Page 41 of Loving Winter

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“You want some ice cream before we head home?” he offers, pointing down the street at a tiny homemade ice cream shop.

“That sounds so good right now,” I agree, leaning into him.

We walk the short distance to the little shop, and each order a cone, his pralines and cream, mine a double scoop of cookies and cream and dark chocolate. While I might usually get the chocolate chip cookie dough, at the top of the list of foods I will no longer be allowed to eat for the next nine months is uncooked cookie dough. Earlier today, it might have bothered me that I had one more thing to dictate my life, another restriction I would have to either rebel against or follow.

But at this moment, I don’t even care. I’m going to have a baby.We’regoing to have a baby. And with a sudden, intense clarity, I can see the vision Starla put before me earlier this morning, one of Gabriel with a little boy laughing as he hangs from Gabriel’s arm, a baby girl cuddled against his chest, asleep in the comfort of his muscular embrace. I don’t know which we’ll have, but whatever one it is, Gabriel is going to love them, and so am I. And in that instant, I realize without a shadow of a doubt that they will love Gabriel too. Because despite his gruff exterior and intensity, he’s just a giant teddy bear, a man who cares passionately but without hesitation.

I love him for that. No matter how aggressively or violently he loves me, I have no doubt that he does. Even before I knew him, I could feel it, these eyes following me, his attention never straying. And I know his love for his children will be just as strong, but in a different way.

I keep my hand wrapped around Gabriel’s elbow as we stroll leisurely back to the car, licking our ice creams. Gabriel keeps his arm hooked for me, supporting me as we walk. It feels almost like we’re a normal couple, enjoying Blackmoor with each other for no other reason than that we love each other, and it’s a beautiful January day. He lets me taste his ice cream, and I let him taste mine. I giggle with the normalcy of it all, and Gabriel smiles down at me.

“What’s so funny?” he asks.

“Nothing.” I shake my head, looking down at the cement as I wander a pell-mell path. “It’s just, you said we would never be a normal couple. But we’re doing just about the most normal thing a couple can do.”

Gabriel considers that a moment before chuckling as well.

“So, how are you feeling about it all?” Gabriel asks tentatively as we walk.

I can feel his eyes on me, and I glance up at him with a smile. “I’m glad you made the appointment.” I sigh happily.

His responding grin melts my heart, and when he leans in for a kiss, I taste him greedily. It doesn’t take much for me to crave the tall, strong man beside me. And I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so intensely attracted to him or if my hormones are making me wonky.Does being pregnant make you hornier?Not that I’m aware. Then again, I’ve never researched it. All I know is that I’m glad it’s Gabriel beside me. He might not be the perfect gentleman, the man Dean might have presented in public, but he’s more a man to me than I’ve ever known in my life. Gabriel cares. He wants me, and he wants this baby with me. And somehow, that makes me feel more special than any fancy house or fine dinner ever could.

When we get back to the truck, we lean against the hood, licking at our treats until our ice cream is finished, then Gabriel helps me into the cab again.

The ride home is completely different than the drive into town. Rather than looking out the window, feeling distant and withdrawn, I hold Gabriel’s hand, interlacing our fingers as I think about what comes next.

Suddenly, I’m excited about the prospect of living with Gabriel. I wonder where we might choose to live, if we’ll find a way to stay in Blackmoor or if he can convince Mark to let him start a new chapter. Perhaps it would be better if we left and started a completely new life away from the Devil’s Sons, Athena Saint, and the Blackmoor heirs. Though after my conversation with Starla this morning, I feel like it wouldn’t be so bad to have her nearby. She keeps my feet on the ground and my head out of the clouds in the best of ways. I don’t know, but I feel more ready to make that decision now than I did just an hour ago.

Scooting closer across the bench seat, I lean into Gabriel as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. Sighing, I snuggle into him, happy to be closer to him after a hard night without him. I could fall asleep right here, with the truck’s motor rumbling beneath me, Gabriel’s strength holding me tight. The warmth of his body lulling me into a stupor.

“You called me your boyfriend,” Gabriel says, waking me from my tentative dozing, a smile in his voice.

“Is that wrong?” I ask, unsure of myself in an instant. Perhaps I got ahead of myself, but I figured he was at least that considering I’m carrying his child.

Gabriel chuckles. “No, definitely not. I just don’t think you’ve ever called me that before. It’s nice. I like the sound of it.”

Relaxing back into his chest, I sigh. “Good, because I plan on calling you that again sometime.”

Closing my eyes contentedly, I ride the rest of the way home like that, feeling truly calm and content for the first time since I found out I’m pregnant.

When we pull up into the clubhouse parking lot, Gabriel parks the truck, then turns to place a kiss on the top of my head. “We’re here,” he murmurs when I don’t move.

“Hmm, but I’m comfy,” I moan, tempted to ask him to carry me inside. If I really pressed the matter, I feel like he just might.

Gabriel’s chuckle rumbles against my ear. “How about we get you inside and in bed, and we can do some more of this?” he offers, and that makes it seem less awful to leave, knowing I can look forward to more of this as soon as I get inside.

Glancing up into Gabriel’s blue eyes, I smile coyly. “That sounds nice,” I agree.

Leaning in, Gabriel presses his warm lips to mine, and I hum contentedly.

“Okay, let’s get you inside,” he suggests, bumping me with his shoulder to lift me off him.

I sit up with a groan as Gabriel opens his door, and he slips from the car to walk around to my side. Popping the door open, he helps me out, his hand gripping my hip as he lowers me to the ground.

“What the fuck?” a chilling voice demands as my feet hit the gravel driveway.

I know that voice. I recognize it before I even turn around, and it sends icy fear stabbing through my chest. Gabriel and I turn as one, and I look into Jaxon King’s piercing eyes.
