Page 47 of Loving Winter

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Of course, I’d envisioned myself escaping Blackmoor when it had just been me, when I wasn’t thinking of trying to build a life with Gabriel and raise a family.But what could he possibly be thinking? How would we survive without the Devil’s Sons?I shake my head, my heart pounding as I try to think of a way we could make it work. But all I see is an image of us on the streets, begging for any kind of help because we can’t afford a roof over our heads, a proper meal, or even a hospital for when it’s time for me to give birth.

But before I can voice any of my concerns, Mark steps in, his voice gruff as he grips Gabriel’s shoulder. “May I speak with Gabriel for a moment?” he asks, looking to Jaxon for permission.

Jaxon gives a curt nod, and Mark drags Gabriel from the room into the hall, leaving me alone in the presence of my rival and her three men. Suddenly, I feel far more vulnerable without Gabe’s towering presence, his steady support.

From the grin that spreads slowly across Athena’s face, I know I’m in trouble. If we can’t make this work, she will have no mercy for us. She might not choose to kill me, but it won’t bother her to leave me as good as dead.



“What the hellare you talking about? You can’t just up and leave,” Mark growls, his grey eyebrows furrowing as he looks at me with a combination of anger and fear. “You’ve caused a hell of a mess, Gabriel. Do you even know how much you put on the line? How many lives you’ve gambled just so you could keep a piece of ass? You could have destroyed the Devil’s Sons with your selfish behavior. And now you think you can just up and leave? You owe us more than that.”

“I’m not just leaving you high and dry,” I defend vehemently. I might not be the perfect club member Mark wishes I would be. Still, I’ve done a hell of a lot for our club over the years, and it frustrates me that he wants to act like this is all my fault, like I haven’t been open and honest with him from the start. He’s as much responsible for the fate of the Devil’s Sons as I am. Frankly, if he’d listened to me when I pitched the idea of leaving town weeks ago, we might not even be in this situation now.

Mark crosses his arms, giving me a skeptical look. “How in the hell is this not leaving us high and dry? You just agreed to leave town with the Romero girl. But you have responsibilities, a debt to be paid, in my opinion, for all the loyalty I’ve shown you over the years. Hell, I practically raised you.”

“I have a debt to pay?” I hiss, getting into Mark’s face as I tower over him. I’ve never been so bold with my president before. I know this would get me killed if I ever did it in front of another club member, but Mark can’t seriously be calling me out for not carrying my weight after all the years of loyalty I’ve shown him. “I’ve given everything to this club. My life, myfamily. And now you want me to abandon Winter and my child, so I can betterserveyou? You must be joking.”

Mark’s eyes drop to the floor as his jaw works to form words, but no sound comes from his mouth. Finally, he releases a frustrated sigh. “Fine, if you’re not planning on leaving us high and dry, what great plan do you have for the Devil’s Sons that requires your absence?”

“I already mentioned it to you, and you shot it down because you didn’t think it was the right time. But now that our hand is being forced, will you think about it? I could head north and open a sister chapter of the Devil’s Sons. We already have a good number of men in the Blackmoor chapter, even after losing some at the Blackmoor estate fire. It makes sense to expand if we’re going to continue thriving, if we want to make it so no rival gang could question our authority. We could grow the business with the new chapter and increase our influence and resources.” I hold my breath as I bring my argument to a close, willing Mark to see it from my perspective, to hear the benefits rather than thinking about losing me as his right-hand man. Besides, with Jaxon being vice president, I have nowhere to grow or move up in the club. I’m stuck, and Mark knows it.

“You wanted to take members with you before,” Mark argues.

“Only three, if they even want to come. Dallas, Rico, and Knuckles are too good for their positions as lackeys anyhow, and you know it. They deserve a chance to rise in the ranks, and that’s not happening in Blackmoor. Besides, they might choose to stay behind anyway. And if they do, then I’ll start from scratch. Please, Mark.”

I can see the hesitation even now, and I grit my teeth.Does he think if he refuses that I’ll have no choice but to stay?Nothing he could say or do would make me abandon Winter and our child. They’re mine to protect and care for, and I won’t leave Winter to do it alone.

“Just so we’re clear here, this is my solution to continue serving the Devil’s Sons. I don’t want to abandon the club. I want to bring more to our name and reputation. But if you say no, I will still leave with Winter. Iwillfind my own way. I don’t need you, your protection, or your club. I’m leaving with or without your blessing.” It takes all my discipline and effort to keep the anger from my voice.How is it that Mark is the leader of our club, the grown man who’s in charge of protecting and caring for us all, and I’m the one having to be reasonable here?

“You’re forcing my hand, Gabe, and I don’t like it,” Mark growls, his expression dark.

I know he’s trying to throw his weight around and reminding me that outlaw clubs like ours don’t let members leave. Hell, Mark and the other members could even hunt me down and kill me for trying to abandon the club. But I know he wouldn’t—couldn’t. I’m too close to a son to him. Which means he has to let me do this if he’s going to save face.

I shrug. “You’ve left me no choice. Winter is my family. She’s carrying my child, and as much as you think you can dictate my decisions, you have no say in who I love. So what do you want to do?”

Mark remains quiet for several excruciating moments. “You’ll report back to me.”

I nod.

“Your business plan and earnings will be a part of the club, and if we need you, you’ll come back for short-term jobs,” he bargains.

“I will come back with the understanding that any job you require won’t keep me from Winter for more than a week at a time. And only if absolutely necessary,” I counter.

“Fine,” Mark agrees. “Where are you thinking for this new chapter?”

“I was looking into Edgington or Whitfield, but I’m open to ideas if you have a better location in mind.” I doubt he will. They’re ideal spots, slightly larger towns without getting as big as Boston. Neither have a biker club to contend with, so we won’t inadvertently be starting a territory war. They’re within a few hours’ ride of Blackmoor. They’re both also along the coast, which will make shipping easier.

“Those both make sense,” Mark agrees grudgingly.

“So we have an agreement?” I try to keep the hopefulness out of my voice. I can’t come across as anxious or eager. Right now, Mark needs to see me as calculated, confident, and capable of running my own chapter. I know it’s a big step for someone as young as I am. Normally it takes decades to reach the position I’m asking for. But then again, most bikers don’t start club life until well after when I did.

“Yes, tentatively. I wouldn't even think about it if it were anyone but you, Gabe. So don’t fuck this up.”

Slapping Mark on the shoulder, I give him a cocky grin. “I couldn’t if I tried.” Without another word, I head back into the library, where Winter and the Blackmoor heirs are waiting for us.

I can feel Winter’s anxiety washing over me as I step close, intertwining our fingers, finding that connection once more as I try to comfort her. Her big green eyes look up at me with hope, and I give her a subtle wink, drawing a smile from her lips.
