Page 62 of Loving Winter

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Laughter breaks out as everyone raises their glasses in salute before taking a drink. And the tension in the room breaks as people return to their conversations, dispersing from the gift circle.

Wrapping my arms around Gabriel’s waist as we’re left to a quiet moment alone, I look up into his ice-blue eyes. “You okay?” I ask.

He nods, smiling sadly. “I never even thought about what became of the house or the money it would have been worth. This feels almost like my parents are giving us their blessing even from the grave.”

I nod, squeezing him tight as I press my ear to his chest and hear his heart thrumming powerfully in his chest. “I’m glad they could celebrate this day with us in some way.”

Gabriel presses another kiss to the top of my head as he pulls me close. “Me too.”

The party goes late. These guys will find any excuse to drink and get rowdy; eventually, it’s just me, Gabriel, his three guys, and Starla. I’m glad she’s stuck it out tonight. I feel like our time together is coming to an end, and I don’t relish the thought of having to make new friends in our new town. I’ve finally found some I really care for right here.

“How’s the house-hunting going?” Starla asks as she leans against the bar.

Gabriel and I occupy the stools to her right. Dally sits just to her left, and Knuckles and Rico lean against the pool table as we all relax, chatting rather than cleaning, which is supposedly why Starla’s still here.

“We’ve been looking online but haven’t found anything just yet. We were planning on heading up this weekend to look at a few spots,” I say. “Though now that we can actually afford the down payment for a house, we probably need to take another look at what’s on the market.” I smile, looking forward to the potential to actually buy rather than rent.

“You’re not just going to stay at the clubhouse like us?” Rico jokes.

I raise an eyebrow at him, daring him to joke about that more.


“You boys better not think you’re going to crash at the clubhouse indefinitely. Just while we’re getting everything up and running,” Gabriel warns. “Top members can afford not to bum around.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Rico mumbles.

“I can’t wait to see the place you find. Let me know if you need me for anything,” Starla offers. Finishing off her beer, Starla sets the empty bottle on the bar and looks around the room. “Well, I really don’t see myself cleaning up tonight. It’s going to have to wait until morning.”

“I’ll wake up to help,” I offer, pulling Starla in for a hug as she rises from her chair.

“No way, Mama. You’re not doing anything strenuous,” she objects.

“Starla, I’m not due for months. I don’t even look pregnant,” I scold.

“Fine. But you’re steering clear of the cleaning products,” she concedes. “And you do look pregnant, by the way.”

My jaw drops as I look at my belly.

Starla giggles. “I mean, you’re absolutely glowing.”

She heads for the door with a wave, and we all wave in return.

“Well, I think I’ll call it a night,” Dallas says, rising from his chair and collecting the empty bottles from the counter to toss them in the trash.

“I agree,” I yawn, failing to cover my mouth in time.

Gabriel rises silently, scooping me up off the stool and into his arms.

“What are you doing?” I squeal, unprepared for the shift in balance.

He chuckles. “Carrying my bride across the threshold.”

I roll my eyes. “You don’t have to do that until we’re actually married, you know.”

“Yeah, but it gives me an excuse to grope you,” he growls, stepping through the double doors and shifting me to squeeze my breast as we enter the next room.

“Mmm, I like where this is headed.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I capture Gabriel’s lips in a kiss.
