Page 11 of Merciless King

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“What are you doing?” he glances at me, and I shrug. Usually, we stay clothed during these punishment sessions, just another way of maintaining dominance, but that’s not what I want tonight. I want to see the lust in Athena’s eyes when she sees my naked body. I want to fuck her without anything getting in the way, just her mouth and hands and pussy wrapped around my aching, straining flesh.

“Jaxon is going to have a fit if he walks in on this,” Dean says, and then he starts to strip, too.

Athena twists her head around, her eyes widening as she catches a glimpse of us both, my broad, hard-muscled body alongside Dean’s leaner one. Both of us are impressively hard, and Dean reaches down, running his hand down the length of his shaft once as he walks towards Athena, the flogger swinging in his hand.

“Eyes forward,” he says with a growl, and she takes one last, longing look at both of our hard cocks before she turns back around. When Dean drags the tails of the flogger over her ass, a moan escapes her lips, her back arching as her thighs part slightly.

“You want this?” Dean grins, dragging the flogger over her thighs. “You want to feel me turn your pretty ass red until you’re dripping for more?”

Athena whimpers and I see her fingers tighten around the edge of the desk, her thighs suddenly glistening with a rush of her arousal.

“Yes,” she whispers, dropping her head down as she arches her back even more.

That’s the moment when I know that our little Saint is fully, completely ours.


I’m completely lost in it.

I knew I was gone when I didn’t want to fight Cayde’s instructions. When him telling me to put on lingerie and wait, kneeling in the middle of the room for them didn’t make me want to argue. It just made me wish for that moment to hurry up when they’d walk into the room and give me what I’m so desperately craving.

When the pain of their punishments crosses over into pleasure, I can’t fight it anymore. I can’t think, can’t tell my body to stop reacting in the way it does. So I simply lose myself, moaning and sobbing and begging as they wring pleasure out of my dripping core again and again.

I want that. Ineedit. And it’s been too long.

And tonight, I’ll get to experience something new.

I’ve grown to be turned on just by the study itself, the smells of leather and firewood, the sight of the cabinet at the back of the room that I know contains the canes and floggers that can be used to send me over the edge of pain into absolute, all-consuming bliss. Is it Stockholm Syndrome?


Does it feel fucking incredible?

Hell yes.

I tell myself, as I grip the edge of the desk and wait for the first of the lashes to fall, that I’m not giving in. I’m not losing sight of the goal, seducing Jaxon and bringing this town to its knees and then fucking off to my own life away from all of this. I’m giving myself a chance to enjoy what was forced on me before, that’s all. I’m giving myself a release, satisfying my own cravings.

It’s just another way of taking my power back from them, that’s all. Enjoying it, making myself a participant instead of someone being backed into a corner.

But, however I rationalize it in my head; I know it comes down to one thing.

I want to come so fucking bad.

And I want one of them to do it. Or both. I don’t care. I just need it more than I think I ever have before.

When Dean brings the flogger down on my ass, I gasp aloud, moaning helplessly as the sting spreads over my cheeks, the welcome burn starting to flush over my skin as I squirm over the desk. I hear the sound of Cayde’s fist on his cock, the slap of it against his balls as he jerks himself hard and fast for a moment and then slows.

“Give me a turn with the flogger,” he says, and there’s a momentary pause while Dean hands it off, and then I feel Cayde’s rough-tipped fingers sliding between my thighs.

“God, she’s fucking dripping,” he groans, and I hear footsteps behind me as Dean joins him. Then there’s a second hand between my legs, long-fingered and softer than Cayde’s, fingertips rubbing over my clit as I let out a gasping moan of relief as Cayde thrusts two fingers into my soaking pussy, as Dean rolls my clit between his fingers.

“She’s close already,” Dean says, his voice a low growl of lust. “You think you could flog her ass without hitting me if I dipped inside of her for a minute?”

They’re talking about me like I’m not even here. It should infuriate me, make me want to fight back, but all it makes me want to do is beg for more. My body on display for their use, the feeling of being entirely theirs, should piss me off.

But right now, it just makes me want to come more than ever.

“I think I’ve got decent aim,” Cayde rumbles, and I hear Dean’s zipper coming down, hear the rustling of fabric as he strips. I can’t stop myself from twisting around, looking at his handsome, leanly muscled form as he sheds his clothing piece by piece, my pussy clenching around Cayde’s fingers until Dean meets my gaze.
