Page 30 of Merciless King

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It doesn’t take long for me to lose one of my pieces. I might be good at chess, but so is Dean, that’s for sure. “I’ll go easy on you to start,” he says with a grin. “Take out your earrings.”

I roll my eyes, taking out the silver hoops and setting them aside. Dean definitely notices the eye roll, but he doesn’t say anything. No threat to punish me, no warnings about what I should or should not do.

Don’t read too much into it,I warn myself. But it’s hard not to.

It doesn’t take long before Dean loses his jeans, and then I lose my cardigan. “You have more pieces of clothing on than I do,” he complains, his eyes fixed on the upper curve of my tits as I pull my sweater off, the t-shirt I’m wearing slipping down a bit so that he can see my cleavage in the v of it.

“Not my problem.” I shrug, tossing it aside. “Maybe you should wear more clothes.”

Cayde snickers at that, but neither of them makes a comment about my “smart mouth.”

If I didn’t know better, I’d think that I was just playing a game with my boyfriends, which in and of itself isn’t exactly normal but more normal than the lives we actually lead. We could be having a night in, playing chess, adding a little something to spice it up, going to bed together afterward. Maybe not themostnormal of relationships, but unconventional rather than—wrong.

Dean loses his slippers and jeans before I even get my shirt off. “I think you’re losing,” I tell him with a laugh as he tosses a slipper at me, and I duck. “Guess it’ll be Cayde next. What happens if both of you are naked and I’ve still got most of my clothes on?”

“We’ll just have to take them off of you ourselves,” Dean says darkly as he slides his jeans down, and a shiver goes down my spine.

I like this way too much.

I do lose my shirt after that, and I feel Dean’s eyes on me hungrily as I strip off the t-shirt and toss it aside, sitting there in my skirt and bra. I like the weight of his eyes on me, the way I can see it distracting him as he considers his next move. It makes me feel strong, powerful. Like I’m the one in charge for a change.

“Fuuuck,” Dean mutters as he moves his rook into the perfect spot for my knight to snag it without realizing, and he stands up, his thumbs sliding into the waist of his boxer briefs. “Well, this is all I’ve got left,” he says ruefully. “Shit, Athena, you’re better at this than I thought.”

I grin at him. “I told you you’d be eating your words.”

“You’re going to be eating this dick,” he growls, narrowing his eyes as he slides them slowly down his hips, and I quickly see that he’s enjoying the game far more than he wants to let on.

He’s not hard, not all the way, but his dick is more than halfway there, hanging thick and swollen over his balls, and it twitches as he steps out of the boxer briefs, as if aroused by me watching.

“Goddamn it, Dean, you’re not the one I wanted to see naked,” Cayde growls from where he’s sitting. “Athena, hurry up and fuck up some moves, ok?”

Athena.He doesn’t say my name often. Usually, if he does, it’s because he’s angry. Otherwise, it’spetorlittle Saint. I’ve grown to like the latter, almost, to feel a tingle through my body when he says it, my mind Pavloved into associating it with the mingled pain and pleasure of their punishments. But hearing my actual name on Cayde’s lips is something else. It sends a warmth through me that I’m not accustomed to feeling with him. I have a sudden, wild thought of what it might be like to be with them both in bed, not bent over a desk or taking them in some odd place in the house, but nestled between their bodies in the warm comfort of my bed or one of theirs, hands searching and mouths tasting, doing something gentler than we usually do.

I do lose a piece next, my pulse speeding up at the tangle of thoughts in my head and my face flushing, and Dean orders me in a stern voice to take off my skirt. “Stand up and give us a little show,” he says, his mouth twitching in a smile, and I obey, gracefully getting to my feet and slowly undoing the button and zipper of my skirt.

Cayde and Dean’s eyes are both on me as I wriggle out of it, tugging the tight denim over my hips. I feel sexy, undressing for them like this, not because they ordered me to but because I want to.Istarted this,Imade the rules, and I realize that I’m enjoying myself.

“You look a little flushed,” Cayde says with a smirk. “Getting turned on there, Athena?”

“It’s just the fire,” I say defensively, dropping my skirt to the floor. I’m in my bra, panties, and Docs now—not exactly the sexiest look in my opinion, but a quick glimpse at Dean from where he’s sitting shows that his dick disagrees. It’s harder now, thickened and laying against his thigh, well on its way to full erection. And from what I can tell, Cayde has a sizeable bulge in his joggers, too.

“You know, I let you take your slippers off before your jeans,” I tell Dean, narrowing my eyes. “I still have my shoes on!”

He shrugs. “Hey, it’s supposed to be the choice of the person who takes the piece. Except for next time, of course, if I lose a piece, Cayde gets to choose what I do.”

Fuck.I’m starting to regret making that rule, although I’m still enjoying the fact that they’re abiding by my rules.

I’m the next one to lose a piece, though. “Go ahead and take off the Docs,” Dean says magnanimously as if he’s doing me a favor. “Who knows, maybe I’ll even let you take the socks off next.”

I glare at him, but he’s not wrong. I’m totally thrown off, distracted despite myself by his nudity and the fact that I’m sitting here in my underwear and socks, Cayde’s gaze fixed on me and nothing else. I lose another pawn, and Dean is quick to tell me to remove the socks.

When I capture his knight, I glance over at Cayde. “Well?”

Cayde smirks. “Dean, touch yourself for ten seconds and then stop.”

I blink at him, surprised. I’d expected him to tell Dean to do something to me, but I suppose that’s just as torturous. Maybe more so. And Cayde does like tormenting people—why should Dean be any exception?

Dean grimaces but shrugs, which surprises me too. No argument, no fight. He could put a stop to this right now, punish me even for dragging them through it, but he doesn’t. He just leans back, lazily wrapping his hand around his dick and slowly rubbing his thumb over the head.
