Page 7 of Merciless King

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“Yes, sir,” I whisper, looking up at him with wide eyes. “No orgasm until you give me one.”

“Ifwe give you one,” he corrects, pushing himself between my lips again. “Fuck, I can’t wait anymore. Swallow my cock, Athena,fuckyes, oh god, I’m going to come—”

The first spurt of his cum across my tongue is so thick that I know he wasn’t lying about having not come in days. “Fuck!” he growls, thrusting deeper into my mouth, his hand fisting tightly into my hair. “Swallow all my cum, fuck yes, Athena, fucking swallow itall. Take that whole load,fuck.”

It feels like his orgasm goes on forever, ropes of cum shooting into my mouth, filling it, down my throat, and I’m so fucking wet, dying to be touched, aching for my own release. I whimper around the thickness of his shaft and the cum filling my mouth, swallowing convulsively as Cayde’s powerful thighs flex, his hand hard against the back of my head as he holds me down onto his cock until every last drop slides down my throat.

“Good girl,” he croons as his cock stops throbbing, and he slips it out of my mouth. “Lick it clean, oh god, yes. Lick it all off,” Cayde moans as I slide my tongue over him, teasing the oversensitive tip as I lap up the last bit of his orgasm. “Good little Saint,” he murmurs, and I feel a flush of pleasure, a warmth flooding me as his hand loosens in my hair, stroking it instead of gripping it. “I love the way you suck my cock.”

I have the sudden urge again to tell him how muchIlove it, how much I wanted it, but I don’t. I bite back the words because I don’t totally believe that they won’t be used against me at some point. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction, not yet. I want to see that things are different.

But how careful he was with me, compared to before, the praise, the stroking of his hand over my hair, it all makes me want more. It feelsgood. It feels right.

“Go finish up your workout with Jaxon,” Cayde says, tucking himself back into his shorts. “If you can manage it,” he adds, smirking as I stand and his gaze flicks down to the apex of my thighs.

I flush bright red. Iknowthere’s no way he can see evidence of how wet I am, but it makes me feel hot and shivery anyway, slightly embarrassed in a way that makes me more aroused than ever. I want him to bend me over the bench again and fuck me hard, but instead, he just winks at me and walks away.


Cayde St. Vincent winked at me.

I’m pretty sure I’m living in an alternate reality now.

The last thing I want to do is face Jaxon after that. But I’m not going to turn tail and run either, because I knowexactlywhat he would think. I’m not going to let him believe I don’t have the nerve to finish my workout with him just because Cayde came and interrupted in a very...creative way.

He’s shadowboxing in the middle of the ring when I walk up, and he doesn’t see me at first. It gives me a chance to just look at him, even though part of me doesn’t want to, even though I should know better than to torture myself like this.

God, he’s so handsome.Tall and lean and muscular, his arms rippling and flexing as he moves, his hair tied back in the knot behind his head like he always wears it when he works out. His sleeveless grey shirt is clinging to him with sweat, his thighs flexing underneath his gym shorts, and I feel my mouth go dry as I watch him.

I can see the anger written all over the hard lines of his angular face, see how dark his eyes are, even more so than usual. He’s furious, and I feel sorry for him and angry in equal parts—angry because I haven’t done anything wrong for him to treat me like this, only played the game as best as I could, and looked out for myself. And sorry, because I know that deep down, he wants me, and he cares for me. And he’s had to watch me with Dean and Cayde one time too many.

There’s no warmth in his gaze when I step into the ring, and he sees me. “Ready to go?” he asks, holding up his hands. He doesn’t say it, but I can read the rest in his expression:Let’s get this over with.

It hurts, but instead of dwelling on it, I let it fuel me. I’m still sore and feel my muscles straining with every move, complaining at being worked so hard after so long, but I push myself anyway. And Jaxon doesn’t give me an inch, which is exactly what I wanted. I wanted someone to take my frustration and anger out on, someone who won’t pull back when I come at them, and Jaxon is giving me exactly that.

He’s giving me what I need, despite everything.I wonder if he knows it, or if he’s just letting his own anger and frustration fuel him, too.

It’s relentless. We twist around each other, grabbing one another in headlocks, grappling and blocking, and scoring a few hits here and there. Jaxon keeps coming—all the way until he tries to sweep my leg and succeeds, sending me crashing down to the mat.

That, apparently, is the tipping point for my body. When I hit the mat, all the air rushes out of me, and it feels as if every muscle at once seizes up. I can’t breathe, I can’t speak, and my vision swims for a moment, blurring out and then refocusing to Jaxon’s face hovering over mine.

For a second, I see pure, unmasked terror on his face. “N—Athena!” he shouts, grabbing my shoulders, and I don’t miss the fact that for a split second, he almost called out another girl’s name. I’d guess the same name that he called out the first time I ever went down on him.

I’ve never stopped wondering who she is. But at the moment, all I can think about is how to get my body to unclench so I can move.

“Are you alright?” His expression clears, neutral again, but I can still see a flicker of the worry in his eyes. “Athena, answer me!”

I finally manage to suck in a breath, swallowing hard as I try to find the ability to speak. “Is that an order?” I manage to croak out, and Jaxon’s mouth twists, a look of disgust washing over his face.

Well, I guess that was the wrong fucking thing to say.

He pushes back on his heels, standing up abruptly. “That’s enough for today,” he says curtly. Before I can even respond, he’s slipping between the ropes surrounding the ring, stalking away from me.

I let out a pained groan as I push myself up to a half-sitting position, glancing after him as he goes.Fuck.I’ve managed to piss him off again, and that’s just going to push me further away from my goal.

Although, at this point, I don’t even know if itshouldbe a goal any longer. As far as I know, I’ve already thoroughly fucked up the game. Everyone saw what I did with Cayde, and it’s all over the school—there’s no doubt that Dean’s pet isn’t just his anymore. So, where does that leave me? Do I fuck Jaxon, somehow, completing the trifecta and making it clear that there’s absolutely no winner? Or would fucking himmakehim the winner since I tried to choose him in the first place?

That would really piss him off.
