Page 98 of One Night Together

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“Everyone in the construction business is a competitor.”

“But you’re a Sutton.”

“I am, but your rivalry is with Sutton Properties, not Costa Development.”

“Malcolm is out to destroy me. He’ll want to ruin you too.”

Here we go again. Nikos kept bringing it back to Malcolm. He’d have to shut this down once and for all.

“What Malcolm wants is irrelevant to me and my business.” Leo paused until he had Nikos’s full attention. “I’m asking for your trust—with Cassandra and Costa Development.”

Nikos gave no verbal response, just a slight nod.

“What has Cassie told you about the Crete property?”Nikos asked.

This shift in the conversation made Leo uneasy. He didn’t want to have any involvement with Cassandra’s property, and he sensed Nikos did. He’d have to be careful.

“She said it’s about ten acres with a farmhouse,” Leo answered.

“Has she asked you to look at it?”


“Would you if she asked?”

“For what purpose?”

“To advise her. It’s prime real estate. She would make a fortune if she developed it.”

So would Nikos if he was the developer.

“I didn’t get the impression she wanted to do anything with it,” Leo said as calmly as he could.

“You’re right,” Nikos said, studying Leo. “However, you seem to be the only person who might be able to change her mind.”

Leo stilled. Nikos was trying to use him to influence Cassandra. That would never happen. Nikos would be furious when he refused, but he would not sacrifice his integrity for a piece of property.He wouldn’t look at it without Cassandra’s consent. “I’ll think about it.”

“Why wait?” Nikos spread his arms wide. “My jet’s here. We could all fly to Crete and take a look together.”

“Right now?” Nikos had shown his cards. He was prepared to use his daughter to help save his company.

“As soon as you’re ready to leave,” Nikos said.

“Only if Cassandra approves.” He was curious about the property, but this was Cassandra’s decision. If she agreed to go, he would go with her. If she didn’t want to go, he would support her, even if it meant opposing her father.

“Excellent. Let’s go ask her.” Nikos’s face lit up with excitement like a kid on Christmas morning.
