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Iam, without a doubt, the unluckiest person to ever have existed.

Let’s take stock, shall we?

Dying in my twenties? Check.

Disease cannot be stopped? Check.

Finally takes a vacation and falls through the only portal leading to the fae realm? Triple check.

Gets trapped by a king who believes my magical vagina will seal him on the throne? Fucking check.

And let’s not forget that I fell in love with an imprisoned fae Rebel leader with one hell of a dark side, was nearly raped by an evil bastard—make that two—finally managed to put myself first, and had the best sex of my life before being kidnapped by said Rebel leader’s crazy mate.

Unluckiest. Person. To. Have. Ever. Existed.

The dark room around me is cold, and I cannot see anything. Somewhere in the distance, someone breathes, though it’s ragged, making me wonder just how close to death they are. Since Rafferty’s lovely ex put a bag over my head, I don’t even have any idea where I am.

And since she can dematerialize? I can literally be anywhere. In any world. Fun.

Footsteps echo toward me, and I flinch, my gaze going to where I think the door is. Though it doesn’t do me any good. Bag, remember?

Someone rips the bag from my head, and firelight assaults me. I close my eyes tightly, opting to open them slowly until Ailis’s face comes into view.

How the hell did I not see the crazy before? “Ember. How are you finding your stay?”

“Lovely.” I lift the chain leading to my shackled angle. “Though this is quite uncomfortable.”

Her grin spreads. “You know, I rather enjoy your company. I am also a woman who will not be controlled. We have that in common.”

“See, and I thought you liked me, yet here you are, insulting me.”

The amusement on her face morphs into carnal joy as she moves closer. “You know, I do believe you’ve met my other pet.” Leaving me in partial darkness, she crosses the room and kneels at a man shackled in the corner.

An audible gasp leaves my lips before I can stop myself. Chunks of white hair have fallen from his bloody scalp, leaving him with only patches here and there. Skin a stomach-churning shade of grey, he looks nothing like the man I was forced to marry.

Ailis giggles as she walks toward him, her bare feet padding softly against the stone. Then, she bends over, grips his chin, and lifts his face to mine. I’m met with hard, golden eyes that will forever be burned into my mind.

Horror mixes with fear as I speak his name, “Taranus.”

His upper lip raises in a snarl, though he doesn’t respond.

“He can’t speak. Had to cut his tongue out.” She releases him and straightens.

Bile burns in my throat.

“Something I will be forced to do to you should you not obey like the good little girl you are.” Hands on her hips, she looks from Taranus to me then back to him. “Your husband-to-be seems to be suffering from some ailment. Unless, of course, this is how you left him.”

“Why is he here?” My stomach churns as my mind reels a million miles a minute, considering all the horrific outcomes I could be facing.

Is she going to kill him so I die?

Me so he dies?

Let him finish the bonding?

I’ll leave it to you to decide which of those are the most horrifying.
