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“In fact, I bet he was picturing someone else every single time you fucked,” I spit at her. “Do you know he told me that what he felt for you pales in comparison to what he feels for me?”

“He lied,” she growls. “He was obsessed with me.”

“Because you drugged him,” I shoot back. “Drugged him because you couldn’t get him without it.” I spit the words out, and she takes a step closer.

Fake Rafferty disappears, the illusion she’s projected losing steam. Ailis’s eyes narrow even further. “You are completely at my mercy, and yet you taunt me?”

“Is it really taunting if it’s the truth?” Fear unfurls in my belly, and my body begins to shake uncontrollably.

Ailis closes the distance between us and rests her hands on the table beside me. “You smell like your own shit, and you tauntme.”

I don’t speak, terror closing its icy grasp on my throat. I’ve gotten to know Ailis quite a bit since I’ve been held here—intimately. And never have I seen her look at anyone with the level of cool hatred as she’s watching me now.

“You know, I think it is time to change things, don’t you?” She disappears from view, and I close my eyes tightly, feeling tears slipping from them as I prepare for whatever pain she has in store for me next.

Swallowing hard, I hold my breath.

She comes into view right above me, a blade and what look like tongs in her other hand. Ailis has pulled her dark hair back out of her face, and she cocks her head to the side to study me. “I own you,” she says, tone so calm it slathers another layer of fear over me. “You are not in a place where you are able to talk back to me. And it is well past time I show you that, wouldn’t you think so?”

Fuck.My stomach churns, bile rising up my throat as I read between the lines of what she’s saying.

“Taranus talked too much, too,” she says. “Until I cut out his tongue.” The blade glints in the light as she holds it up in my face.

I shake my head.

“No?” Ailis smiles. “No? You don’t think I should?”

My breathing grows ragged, my eyes wide, and I actually begin to regret the shit I verbally whirled at her. Not because I regret it but because I should have known—after everything I’ve experienced—I should have known that there are things far worse than death.

And it seems I’m about to experience one of those.

“Open your mouth,” she orders.

I refuse.

Ailis leans closer. “Open. Your. Mouth.” The voice is layered with energy so potent even I can feel it, but still, I refuse. Something that seems to interest my captor. “Interesting. It seems we will have to do this the hard way, won’t we? Come in!” she yells.

The door opens, and footsteps thunder closer until two massive fae stop beside me.

“Open her mouth,” she orders.

They grip my face and begin to try to pry my mouth open. I thrash, terror pulsating through me as I try like hell to keep my mouth closed.

I know the moment I’ve lost.

They manage to get their fingers into my mouth, assaulting my taste buds with the bitterness of salty sweat—and another flavor I don’t want to think too long on. One of the fae grabs the top of my mouth while the other holds my bottom, and they pry it open. Ailis reaches inside with the tongs and pinches my tongue. Pain stings the inside of my mouth, but I know it’s nothing compared to what’s coming.

Especially when she grins down at me and the blade disappears from view.

I scream—as much as I can—agony burning through me while copper fills my mouth. Vomit sputters up, and the fae release my head. I cough it up and it splatters all over me, burning the injury inside my mouth and stinging the inside of my nose.

Tears stream down my face freely, and I don’t bother to hide them now. My vision begins to waver, my brain seemingly shutting down from the pain—or more likely, shock.

“Silence,” Ailis sings as she carries the pink flesh away. “Sweet, sweet, silence.”
