Page 21 of Dangerous Seduction

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Epilogue II



Grandfather is down on the floor playing with our baby, Katon as I am trying to finish up the business deal I’ve been working on for the last couple of months. Both of us agreed to watch over the little guy while his momma rested. Grandfather is in heaven now that he has a great-grandchild to play with and 'keep him young'. He is currently teaching the boy how to say mother and father in Japanese. We have our bets going on what his first word will be. I say it will be momma but grandfather and Quinn's mother says it will be dad. We'll see.

Quinn is a wonderful mother to our son. She is the perfect wife to me. I have never been so happy. I take time to gaze down and watch as the two important men in my life are rolling around on the rug. Grandfather gives a big laugh when the baby makes a funny face and reaches out for him.

My little blossom runs herself ragged trying to be both and it makes me worry about her. I had to force her to go take a nap. She's too afraid she will miss something big in Katon's life. Still, I make a note in my planner to schedule a visit with the doctor, just to make sure everything is alright. Her mom and dad are having dinner with us tonight. They moved here to be closer to everyone and they try to drop in almost as much as grandfather does.

I would have told her to go take a relaxing bath if she wasn't so exhausted that I knew she needed sleep more than the bath. Not that she can't have both. I'll just have to be sterner with her about taking time for herself. The sound of my name has me standing from my chair.

"Akio! Akio!" Quinn comes in looking flushed and tired. Is she sick? Is something wrong with her? Did she see something that upset her? "You bastard."

What now? Her lips tremble and tears spill out on her cheeks. Grandfather is just sitting in the floor with a sly smile on his face like he knows something I don't.

"I just threw up!" Her words catch me by surprise so much that it takes me a second to put everything together. "You knocked me up again."

I feel my lips tilt into a smug smile. Grandfather whistles as he scoops Katon up in his arms and takes off out of the office.

"We'll just be in the other room." The man can't smile any bigger.

He can tell what is about to happen. I walk out from behind my desk and go to the door shutting and locking it.

"Oh no you don't. This means we are going to have two little kids. Two. They will outnumber me. I won't know what to do."

"Take a breath, little one, and come talk to me." I take her by the hand and lead her to my chair where I sit and push her back on top of my desk. "You love having Katon. You talked about wanting to have more just the other day."

"I know. I just...feel so overwhelmed already as it is and now...," She breaks off to sob for breath.

"And now there will be more than one little baby to love, more than one little one to watch grow into adulthood. More to love. And you don't have to do it all at once. I can help out more and so can grandfather and your mom. You know everything will be alright." She nods her head for me as I scoot the chair closer to her. "Now tell me what else is bothering you."

"Well, it's really nothing I guess," I encourage her to continue as I spread her legs wide, "I just, um, don't want you to think I'm all big and fat again so soon after the last time. I swell." She says it like it might be something I didn't know when I was there for every minute when she was pregnant with Katon.

"You don't want me to crave you like an addict with his drug? You don't want me to think you are the most beautiful woman on the planet when your little belly bulges with our baby and I know that I put it in there? You don't want me to show you every day how happy you make me because you made me a daddy and taught me how to love. I'm sorry little blossom but you are just going to have to live with my obsession for you. It only grows stronger from day to day."

She gives me a giggle and I work her stretchy pants off of her hips and down her legs. I take her hand and help her lie back on my desk so I can spread her wide and have my fill of her. I do so love my little cherry blossom when her belly is full of my child and her sweet pussy is dripping with me. Her being pregnant and is a state I am going to have her in for at least the next decade of her life but I will love her always.

The End!
