Page 7 of Lakeside Daddy

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"Excuse me," not what I thought my best friend was going to say to me.

She giggles before answering for herself, "I don't mean anything by it. It’s just you never talk about boys like you are talking about this guy."

"That's because he's not a boy," I catch myself and stop but not before I hear her peal of laughter.

"You've met your match, Tracie Mason," her words sober me up and scare the hell out of me too. What if I have met the one? What happens if something goes wrong and he doesn't want me after he gets to know me? What if he doesn't feel the same way about me that I could about him if I let myself?

"It's scary, but I wouldn't be a very good friend if I didn't tell you to go for it. Give love a chance," I don't know what to say to her when she gets all motherly on me. "But tell him if he hurts you, I am a writer and I know how to hide a body and get rid of the evidence. No one hurts my friend."

And there is my Vera. I can't help but laugh with her. This may be the first time I've laughed since she left for her and Ed's honeymoon. It's good to be silly and laugh about stupid stuff. I miss her being here with me and having stupid girl nights on the couch in her shitty little apartment in the city.

We chat for what seems like forever and by the time I get off the phone with her I feel so much better about everything. Maybe I should go out and find other people to hang out with or maybe book a vacation at an exotic location and leave all of the things that are getting to be too serious for me right now. I grab my computer and start looking up places that might be nice when the doorbell rings and has my heart flying into my chest.

I hadn't realized how dark and quiet it had become in the big house until the bell pulled me out of my online sightseeing. I can't say I didn't scream and jump a little bit too. I'm not expecting anyone but people have been known to just drop by from time to time and Ed is ok with it. Well, he was okay with it. I can't imagine him being alright with it now that he has a family to think about. It's not like the lake house is close to a lot of people or anything. In fact, thinking about that reminds me of how remote it actually is. Sure, there are neighbors but most of them are seasonal.

Thinking back to every scary movie I’ve ever seen, I hesitate to even go to the door, hoping that whoever it is will leave. But the bell rings again and this time a loud knock accompanies it. They are not going away without me having to answer this door. God, why couldn't it be noon and the sun shining bright, not that people don't get killed or kidnapped in the day either.
