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I say her name hoping it will wake her but it doesn't. Dear God, I'm going to have to touch her. That's not the problem - the problem is stopping once I start. Not letting my hands trail down her softness and find all of her secret places that only I have ever found.

I shake her gently by the shoulder and say her name again. This time a smile crosses her face right before her eyes open. Her smile gets bigger for a second until she realizes where she is. She yelps and makes a mad dash for one of the long pillows at the top of the bed.

"I'm sorry. I...I wanted to make sure you were okay. I knocked - twice."

Her cheeks turn a cherry shade and she's clutching the pillow tightly to herself. "Oh my God, I'm sorry. I didn't hear you. I...I fell asleep, I mean you know I fell asleep because...I was tired."

I can't keep the smile off my face any longer. "It's my fault for not knocking louder. Don't worry about it but, uh, I will have to check on you throughout the night so if you sleep naked or anything..." I notice the clothes I gave her lying beside her on the bed.

"Oh God no, I don't. I just...this one time." Her eyes flit across the room searching for something safe to land on.

"You settling in alright?" I should leave and let her rest but I just can't.

She nods and this time her eyes do come back to mine, "Thank you. For this. All of it."

"No thanks needed. I know you're tired but try to eat something before you go back to bed." I turn around and force myself to walk out. Before I go I stall for just one more second, "Sleep well, Bunny."

"You too."

Once I get back in the living room I'm headed to the other bathroom to try to relief some of the pressure in my dick that is cutting the circulation off. It doesn't take long with the image of her soft, curvy body still fresh in my mind. It doesn't help much considering my dick is still rock hard but at least now it will fit inside the boxers I put on for Bunny, Any other time I'd be the one sleeping naked if I'm not at the firehouse.

Even though I'm exhausted it still takes me a little while before I'm wound down enough to go to sleep. I check on Bunny one more time and then set myself an alarm so I'll look in on her throughout the night. This time she's put on the t-shirt I gave her and I notice she's eaten a little of the sandwich I gave her. Given the fact that I'm so wrapped up in her maybe bringing her home wasn't the best idea. I don't know if I can go slow enough to not scare Bunny off. The one thing I do know for sure is I won't let her go. If she runs I'll simply have to chase her until she realizes she's mine or until she gets comfortable with the idea of being with me forever.
