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"Sorry. I didn't realize they were there."

"It's alright, kid. Why don't you go give Sarge the update and find out what he wants to do next? I'm taking Cami home." He's a good kid. Hell, he's a year older than Cami. He means well I can tell, he just doesn't have the tact that comes with time.

"It's all gone." The mumbled words come out muffled by my chest. "I don't have...anything." Her breathing turns a little ragged and she clutches a hand full of my shirt in her fist. "I don't have anywhere to live...or clothes."

I'm about to tell her not to worry about that shit. As long as she's alive and safe we can figure everything else out when she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "Or money to buy clothes since all of my identification and bank cards were in there." She waves at the smoldering building.

I give Kathy a look and she nods and takes her boyfriend somewhere else. Before they vanish in the crowd of milling people she turns back to my girl. "Hey Cami, I'll call you, alright?"

I nod for her so she doesn't have to think about any of that right now. "Everything is going to be alright, Bunny."

"How? When I have nothing to wear or anywhere to go?" She's not looking at me when she says it so I wonder if she's talking more to herself than to me, "Oh God, I can't go back home!"

"You have a place to stay." She looks at me like I might have lost my mind. "You're coming home with me."

"No, I can't." She shakes her head vehemently. "I don't even know you."

"Yes, you can. Everyone here already thinks we're dating. Your phone has texts from me every day and you're wearing my clothes. I'm pretty sure we're dating."

It's probably the closest I've been to another person before so yeah, I think she will be alright to come home with me.

"Not to mention you have a picture of my cock on your phone." Her cheeks turn pink and her eyes skate away from mine. Even though this is not the time I can't help but ask, "Did you save my picture?"

"Of you and your grandfather fishing?"

"No, Bunny. That’s not the picture I'm talking about and we both know it." I reach for her phone and take it from her before she can stop me. I use her thumb to unlock it and go to her pictures. In her favorites file is the picture of my cock I sent her. I wasn't even big that day. Not like I am now when I think of Bunny.

"You did save it. You even hearted it."

"Shut up, I never saw one that big and...oh my God, I'm shutting up now." Her face is as red as a fire truck and she refuses to meet my eyes. She keeps stepping away but I keep following her.

"Really? You never saw one as big as mine?" I had trouble keeping it hard while I took a fucking picture of it. "You see a lot of cocks, Bunny?"

I'm half-joking and half hoping that my theory about that blush means she hasn't. "I watch...stuff."

"You watch porn." I've walked her back to a little alley on the other side of the road that's dark and not as noisy as the yard right in front of her apartment. "How many cocks have you seen, Bunny?"

"In real life?" she asks but she still won't meet my gaze and her cheeks are still pink. I give her a nod. "Counting the text?"

"Sure." I'm skating on dangerous territory here. I might not like the answer I get. This girl could have a new dick inside of her every weekend and twice on Sunday. It wouldn't stop me from making her mine.

"One." Her answer surprises me. No way has this girl seen just one other dick than mine. Not as pretty as she looks. My cock gives a lurch like her answer makes it want to burst free.

"Besides mine?"

"Um," her voice is soft and barely above a whisper now, "no, one counting yours." She peeks at me from under her lashes.

"But that would mean you've only ever seen mine and that..." I leave off my statement not believing what I'm about to say.

"Well, I haven't actually seen yours in real life. You're just the first guy I actually know who I have seen."

"You're a virgin?" I say it louder than I should and she looks around to make sure no one else heard me blurt out what I'm sure she would rather keep private. But my dick heard her loud and clear.
