Page 101 of Love Me Once

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Shelene had placed the last piece of stained glass in the frame three days ago, giving it time to cure before she delivered the piece. While that made her happy, she was not so anxious to see Father Etienne when she handed over the completed window.

“Are you ready?” Roman asked. He was dressed in a fine new set of clothes—tan trousers, a tan jacket with brass buttons along with a crisp white shirt. Instead of a cravat, he had a silk maroon cloth with tiny tan nubs wrapped in a simple Gordian knot at his neck. She could smell the soap he’d used to bathe and noticed the strands of wet hair.

Seeing him so polished and refined, so alive… She still had to blink back the emotional tears brought on by his reappearance in her life. “I can go myself, though it is kind of you to offer your assistance.”

“It’s no trouble. The cabriolet is ready.”

“Let me finish wrapping it. How horrible to have it break on the way to the church.”

Roman took her hand and squeezed. “I know it was a labor of love to complete the stained glass.”

She sighed. “And it’s a real labor to return it to Father Etienne.”

“That is why I am going with you.”

“But that will only delay your trip to Cadiz. Señor Madrigalas won’t wait forever and who knows how many horse buyers might be looking for prime stock and snatch them away?”

“He’s bringing the horses here. I’ve decided to buy all of them.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“We’ve been busy. They’ll be here sometime today.”

“Sight unseen?”

“He has unusually refined tastes in horses, and I trust him. How could I not when I’m paying a fortune for what I am certain will be the best of the best?”

“It is a good thing your wife is more frugal with her fortune than you are with yours.”

“In a few years, we will seed a dynasty to eclipse anything we could have as individuals.”

“The Forrester Arabians? The Hightower Andalucíans?”

“Why not? Now that I am home to stay, I’ll need something to keep my attention.” He lifted the heavy window, leading the way outside. “I am guessing you would rather have me busy in the stables than keeping you busy with a dozen children.”

“Maybe a few more. In time,” she said. Tradition dictated that she bear a passel of children, but she thought she could manage a more suitable family size without the church invoking the Inquisition once again.

Joaquin was waiting outside, sitting on the hitching fence, hat in hand. “Good morning, Señora. Let me help, mi’lord.” He jumped down and hurried to assist Roman, using the ropes to fasten the stained-glass window securely. “Will there be anything else?” he asked.

Shelene wasn’t sure Roman was aware how much the boy wanted to please his hero. And it probably wasn’t the time to tell Joaquin that his mother was looking for him. He so much wanted to be the man Roman was.

Roman held her hand as he helped her into the carriage. “Joaquin, we might be gone for several hours. Make sure everything is ready for the new horses. Confer with Cortes and Udad. I want the stables pristine. I want every horse watered and groomed. Check their hooves for damage and stones. The best of care.”

“I know, mi’lord.” Joaquin jammed his hat upon his head and ran toward the upper paddock.

“Will we make it back in time?” Shelene asked. “I don’t want you to be late.”

“Brahim and Sakina will make our guests comfortable. We’ll be home before dark. You’re not going alone, if that is what you are going to say next.” He clucked his tongue and the horse sauntered away.

“I have to face him. That’s all.”

“A task we can do together.”

“Oh, it’s just that I hated myself for sitting in church last Sunday and having to swallow my words. And Father Etienne having the nerve to stand before the congregation when he is nothing but a pioustonto.”

“There are fools everywhere, but at least his church wasn’t burned to the ground.”
