Page 48 of Pretty Lies

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“No, Margret, I am very serious about buying…I’m sorry, I had a death in the family, and I…well, I guess there’s nothing I can do about it then…yeah, I understand, you too.” I hear Lexi’s voice as she speaks on the phone to Margret, the floral shop owner, and my mind instantly goes to the car wreck just down the street from there.

Flashes of glass shattering and Lexi’s screams echo in my head, but I force the images back and continue down the hall toward her. Gio is still sleeping, finally finding a bit of peace now that his piece of shit father is currently chained like a dog in our cell. Lexi though…she still finds it hard to sleep. Either Gio or I wake her up a few times a night because she thrashes with nightmares, her body coated in sweat. I’m looking forward to my session with Alan today.

“Everything good with Margret?” I ask as I sit on the couch, flipping open my switch blade and sliding it beneath my cast to relieve the annoying as fuck itch. Damn, I can’t wait to get this bulky fucker off.

“You’re going to cut yourself, Luce.” Lexi says as she sits next to me, her legs tucked under her as she leans her head on my shoulder. Her scent of flowers and coffee invade me as I continue to wiggle the blade under the cast. The mix of her beautiful aroma and the relief the blade gives my skin has my eyes rolling back.

“It’s better than sex,” I sigh before yelping when Lexi pinches the crap out of my ribs, “fuck, I didn’t mean sex with you, sweetness.”

She shrugs without care, but her sigh reminds me that she was upset a moment ago. I put my blade to the side before wrapping my arm around her shoulders and weaving my fingers into her hair, scratching at her scalp. Her moan has my dick hardening, but I ignore it, even though all I want to do is push her head to my lap and beg her to wrap those pretty lips around my cock.

“So what’s up with Margret?” I ask again, still scratching her head.

“She sold the store to someone. I can’t work there anymore.”

I grin to myself, “Well, maybe the new owner will hire you back. I’m sure the customers will ask about you.”

“Doubtful, I’m sure the new owner is going to turn it into one of the many coffee shops we see popping up all over the place.”

Her little kitten growl has me chuckling, much to her irritation.

“You’re lucky your fingers have me feeling good or I’d pinch you again for laughing.”

“Mm, I can make you feel better than good if that’s what you want.” I tell her, wagging my brows when she looks up at me.

I guess I said the wrong thing because she sits up with a serious look. I put my hands up in surrender, “I was only kidding. Well, not really but kinda.”

“Listen,”uh-oh, I hope she’s not going to try and end things because sorry, sweetness, that shit ain't happening, “I don’t know how a throuple works, and I don’t want either of you guys to feel like I’m giving more attention to one over the other. Jealousy has no room here, and I don’t want to cause any problems.”

I sit up a little straighter, thinking over her words, “I can be honest and admit that I will always be jealous of your time with anyone else; I covet that time for myself, but as far as it causing a wedge between us, I don’t see that happening. You forget, Lex, I want Gio too.”

I lean forward and kiss her lips, reveling in the fact that she responds without hesitance, “You’re not the only planet in my orbit, sweetness.”

She rolls her eyes, but her smile softens the gesture, “Good, now more head scratches, please.”

I happily oblige, her head resting in my lap as we sit in silence for a few minutes. It isn’t often I find peace in silence with anyone around, I’m always on edge around people, usually finding them to be little annoyances. But with Lexi and Gio, their presence is soothing, whether we talk or not.

“Remember when you took me to that fifties diner?” She asks suddenly.

“Yeah, what about it?”

She’s quiet for a moment, and I see her chewing on her lip which has me wondering what she’s hesitating to ask.

“Well, you mentioned you were falling for a girl who was with a guy you were also interested in…” She trails off, leaving me to answer.

I smile, “Yeah, sweetness, that girl was you and the guy was Gio.”

She whispers something softly that I barely catch, but it sounded like, “I knew it.”

We’re quiet again, both of us thinking about that day, how I wish I had told her straight out how I felt, but to be honest, I wasn’t ready to. I don’t like vulnerability, and I didn’t want to risk a rejection from her, nor did I want to fuck up what she had with Gio. Still, I wish we had this sooner.

“How long have you been in love with Gio?”
