Page 50 of Pretty Lies

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I’ve never really felt like I belonged anywhere, but sitting here with the two people who give my soul a little lightness, I’m finally a part of something bigger than myself.

Speaking of, “I gotta take off now, gotta date with a blowtorch.” I lean in and cup the back of Lexi’s head, kissing her deeper than a normal goodbye kiss requires, but what can I say? I’m a fiend for her tongue.

I pull back and surprise the shit out of Gio by smacking his ass as I pass, chuckling when he spills his coffee.

It’s time for me to make this morning even better with a serenade of Alan’s screams.

I bang on the heavy door to the cell, the sounds of the club upstairs going completely unheard with the major soundproofing the Renzetti brothers have in place. Makes sense seeing as how this is one of their many clubs with holding slash torture cells. There’s a small camera above the door with a red blinking light attached to it, and I can see myself in the reflection of the lens. The door opens revealing a tired looking Juny.

We clap hands and pull each other into a hug before I smack his chest with an open palm, “What’s the matter, Juny, did the old man keep you awake all night?”

His hair, which is normally slicked back neatly, looks like he has run his fingers through it one too many times, and his clothes match the look.

“He’s a fucking nut, bro. He brings back a lot of memories for me so it took a shit ton of restraint not to put a bullet in his skull. You and G owe me big time.”

I grin at him, pulling a joint from the inside of my jacket pocket and hand it to him.

“I got it from here, Juny. You can head home now.”

He lights the joint, exhaling as he speaks, “Mind if I watch, I think I’ll live precariously through you.”

I chuckle at that, heading down the stairs, “Be my guest.”

I whistle the tune to one of Maxine’s favorite songs,Revengeby xxxtentacion, as I enter the holding cell, taking in the cement floor with the drain directly beneath the metal chair that’s bolted to the floor. In the unyielding seat is a very naked Alan, his dried blood crusted on his legs and crotch from where Lexi shot him. The memory of his pain makes my lips kick up into a smile.

“I bet taking a piss is a motherfucker, huh?”

I circle the prick as Juny takes a seat on a chair in the corner of the room. The room is illuminated by five fluorescent lights, bright enough to drive someone insane. His arms are tied to the back of the chair, leaving his shoulders at a painful angle. I can’t see his face completely since his chin is resting on his chest, but as I get to his side, I see his eyes open.

“Ah, no sweat, you’ll have a gaping hole there soon enough; your piss will be the least of your worries.”

I nod my head when I see that the prick is going to act as though I’m not in the room, turning my head to look at Juny, “This fuckin’ guy.”

Juny laughs and shakes his head, “I say you should cut his tongue out, not like he’s using it much.”

I purse my lips, my brows furrowed, “Nah, I think I’ll just start burning pieces of him.”

I walk over to the tool table, whistling low at the assortment of torture devices down here. Must be Nico’s favorite part of the club, the fuckin sociopath.

“What do you say, Alan, feel like saving me some time and just start talking,” I pick up the blowtorch and twist the knob, the gas hissing loudly in the small room, “or should I burn the answers out of you.”

Finally he lifts his head, his evil eyes locking on mine, and I see nothing but a soulless fucker before me. See, but the thing with me is that I have both a soul and a demon, and I can turn one or the other off anytime I feel like it. This guy has only one setting, he’s got all his cards on the table whereas mine are well hidden until I decide to show one. You don’t see me coming, and when I do, I have a disarming smile that hides my gun.

Acting on my revenge will always be done in the dark with whispered steps and loud screams. I leave no trace of me behind, only carrying the memory in my mind until the end of my time.

“Where’s my son?” Alan spits.

“At home, fucking your wife.” I give him a smile.

His lip curls up as his eyes narrow, but he doesn’t comment so I continue to provoke him.

“Yeah,” I sigh as I step forward and squat in front of him, “you should really hear how she says his name while riding his face, it’s like a prayer of worship. But what really gets her going is when she’s getting dicked so hard in just the right way that her sighs turn into,fuck me harder.”

I tilt my head to the side as he opens his mouth, but when I flick my lighter on, the flame dangerously close to igniting the hissing blowtorch; he swallows whatever it was that he was going to say.

“The only words I want to hear from you are your connections to Pink and his whereabouts. That’s it. Anything else is just noise to stall your death.”

He stares at me a second before getting the brilliant idea of antagonizing me.

“What? You don’t want to hear how your sister begged for more of my cock?”

I drop my head, a chuckle climbing up my throat, “Oh, you crack me up, old man. You see, I took a happy pill this morning so anything you say will most likely come out as gibberish to my ears, but what really has my shoulders loose and a skip in my step is simple…” I light the blowtorch, my smile widening, “I’m fucking your wife too.”

Then I let the very tip of the flame burn into Alan’s cock, the same disgusting little slab of meat that touched my sister, until his screams begin to replace Maxine's imagined ones in my head.
