Page 70 of Pretty Lies

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Luce growls as he slams into her once more, groaning a deep rumbling sound as his climax rolls though him. I cover Lexi’s mouth with my own, our lips fusing as her fingers claw into my shoulders. Once Luce withdraws from her and cleans her, we all lay back down and catch our breaths. I never want to leave this apartment, this room. I wish we could just cocoon ourselves here, block out the rest of the world and live a life totally separate from everyone else. But we can’t. It’s an impossibility for someone like me and Luce. Our life in the underworld would never allow for it, not right now at least.

All too soon though, my phone begins to vibrate on the nightstand, the screen showing Vincenzo’s text message.

Vince:We’re here, G. Just going to do a sweep of the building, and we’ll be up in about thirty minutes.

“The guys will be up in a minute.” I tell them, doing my best to ignore the pang in my chest when Lexi sighs sadly. She doesn’t want this to end either, even if it’s only for a day.

I slide out of the bed and walk to the restroom, flipping on the shower before brushing my teeth.

I take a quick shower, washing my hair and body before drying off. Once I’m done, I leave the towel around my waist and exit the restroom. Lexi is still laying in the same spot, her eyes still glassy, her body still boneless. I grin when she gives me a slow, satisfied smile.

Luce is standing from the bed, pulling his briefs on before stretching and scratching at his chest. I take my time looking over his scars, ones I know he didn’t do to himself, and grind my teeth at the thought of his father putting out cigarettes on his skin. If the man were alive today, I’d kill him myself.

I enter the closet and pull on some briefs before my black flap pocket joggers and white t-shirt. I lace up my white Converse sneakers and holster my guns before leaving the closet just as I hear the water turn on in the restroom. I walk over to Lexi, who rolls to the side and stretches both of her arms out, her fingers searching up toward me, so I take her hand in mine, lacing our fingers, and I sit beside her. She sits up and eyes my guns.

“What’s going on?”

I take her in, her swollen lips and bright brown eyes, the way her nose twitches when strands of her tangled hair tickle it. The way she bites her bottom lip makes me want to lean in and replace her teeth with my own. The sunlight coming through the window makes her wild hair of tangles look like a dark halo around her head.

“Sorry, baby, but I have to get back to business. Vacation is over for me.” I lean down and kiss the space between her brows and do my best to ignore the painful throb in my chest. I don’t like lying to her, but I know if she knew the truth, that I’m hunting for Alan on my own, it’ll cause unnecessary worry. As it is, she already has a frown on her beautiful face.

“It’s only been four days! I’d hardly call that a vacation. Besides, it’s not like you’re running to the office for some major company, why do you have to leave? And what about Luce, does he want to leave me today too?”

I fold my lips inward, biting back the chuckle that wants to escape with her anger. I can’t stop it though, especially not with her red cheeks and raspy morning voice. She reminds me of a feral kitten, hissing and spitting mad, tiny little vicious claws ready to strike. Of course, I won’t dare tell her that, not unless I want to have my manhood ripped from my body.

I cup her face and look into her eyes, “I may not be working a nine-to-five job like some schmuck, but I do have a boss, and I do have orders to follow. I’ll be back before you can even miss me, and let me be perfectly clear,” I let my eyes harden as I stroke a thumb across her bottom lip, “if you ever suggest that I want to leave you, that I’d rather be anywhere else than between your thick thighs, I promise I’ll take you over my knee and blister that perfect ass.”

She gasps, “You wouldn’t dare.”

I give her a smirk, “Try me, baby.”

She tries to hide the flash of desire in her eyes by rolling them, playing off her feelings with sarcasm, “Promises, promises.”

I chuckle and give her another quick kiss as Luce comes out of the restroom buck-ass-naked with his arms spread.

“Who feels like a bear hug,” he grins evilly, “you big guy?”

I shake my head and stand straight, “Get that dog water on me, and I’ll tell your mother you were the one who broke her jewelry box that one Christmas.”

He tosses his back back, “You’ll tell my mom?! What a fucking child.”

Lexi snickers, “Says the man who looks like he just escaped bath time when his mommy turned her back for a second.”

Luce flips me off before rushing Lexi, yellingMommy!and tackling her to the mattress, his wet ass bouncing all over the place as I turn and walk out, calling over my shoulder, “You’re a fucking animal, my guy.”

As Lexi’s squeals and laughter echo down the hall, I start the coffee maker and pull everything out that I’ll need for omelets and Lexi’s energy smoothie. As the eggs cook, I add everything to the blender and fiddle with the setting until it’s done. It’s almost a normal day like the last four we’ve had, but the feel of clothes against my skin reminds me that it’s far from it.

I turn around and lean against the counter, digging in my pocket and pulling the Vaccari signet ring out. It’s platinum, heavy, and ridiculously bulky in my hand, a gaudy looking ring if you ask me. It has an engraving of a shield with a snake coiling around the top half, and the letter V dead center with a black oxidized finish to top off the supercilious look. I roll my eyes at the ridiculous ring and drop it on the counter. My father had one identical to it, said it was the crown of the family, like we were some kind of fucked up royalty built on lies, betrayal, and blood.

My finger traces the scar at my hairline, the same scar Lexi sewed up when I was just a boy after I ducked one of my father’s punches. His signet ring still caught the top of my forehead though, the metal slicing my skin open like a razorblade.

Memories of my father’s voice echo in my head.

Clean my ring up and make it shine, boy. There’s only one of its kind. You’ll be lucky if you ever get honored to wear one.

One of a kind my ass, I took this ring off my uncle’s finger once his brain decorated the cell’s interior. With this ring and a page out of Luce’s playbook, I know I’ll get his attention.
