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"Okay, but we need to get her to the hospital."

Marco lifts her easily. Damn, these boys are big fuckers. What do they put in their food? “Yes, I called for the car to be brought back here. I'll call Ma once we're in the car.”

“Where are you guys taking her?” I ask Gavriel as a black Range Rover stops at the alley’s entrance.

“To my parents’ home. My mother is a registered nurse, so we can take Carla there. I don’t think we’ll need to take her to the hospital unless Ma says so.” He opens the back door and looks me in the eyes. “After what happened here, I won’t feel comfortable without you by my side. Come with me?”

He poses it as a question, but it sounds more like a demand. Do I mind? No, no, I do not.

On the ride to his parents’ house, Gavriel drives with Marco in the passenger seat while I sit in the back with Carla’s head in my lap. I run my fingers through her hair and think about what could have happened to her if I hadn’t gone looking for her. Those sick pieces of shit would have raped her no doubt, possibly even killed her. That was close. Too fucking close. And what did that guy mean when he said they’d been waiting for me? Were they fans-turned-stalkers? That’s the only thing I can come up with. Carla didn’t mention guys coming to meet up with us at the club, so it can't be some Tinder creeps.

A ringing phone brings me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah,” Marco says into the phone. “Yes, we’re on the way now.” He glances at Gavriel then at me and says, “Yes, she’s coming too... uh-huh... okay yeah, I will.Ciao.”

"Ma?" Gavriel asks.

"Yeah, she says you need to give Sia a heads-up," Marco says, looking a little confused.

You and me both, Marco.

"Heads-up about what?" I very much dislike walking into unknown situations. It causes unnecessary anxiety for me.

Gavriel looks at me through the rearview mirror and the next words out of his mouth make all the air leave my lungs. “I wanted to tell you privately, but it seems I won’t get the chance. I had my mother look into your sealed documents. She’s friends with the governor's wife and called in a favor. When I called her earlier, she told me she found out who your parents were.”

Oh my God, he had his mother call in a favor to the governor's wife. He found out who my parents are. Just then his words register.Werehe said. Past tense. As in, they’re dead.

With a cracking voice I say, “They’re dead.” It’s a statement and the way he looks away from me tells me I’m correct.

“My mother has more information than I do, but my parents were best friends with yours,bella. They thought you were dead too.” He stops talking when he hears my sob break through.

I hear one of the brothers softly curse, but I can’t stop the tears. I’m in shock, quietly sobbing in the back seat, cradling Carla’s head like she’s my lifeline. I feel like my chest just burst open and all my hopes are blown in the wind.

The universe just has to do me wrong once more, doesn't it! I fucking fought my whole damn life trying to survive and keep my head above the dark oppressive waters. I've been slapped around, knocked down, and kicked like a fucking dog. I've been abused and bullied for as far back as I can remember, but I held out.

I fucking held out, thinking my parents were out there somewhere and all I had to do was find them. I came here and demanded the universe give back what it took, but it didn't.

It motherfucking didn’t.

Rage and pain, two old companions I thought I ditched, come back; hand in hand.

We pull up to a mansion and I can’t even appreciate the structure because of the burning tears in my eyes. Gavriel puts the car in park and jumps out as Marco opens the back door and takes Carla in his arms.

"She'll be in safe hands, Sia. My mom will check her over and Gavriel will bring you to her." He doesn't wait for my reply, just heads for the front door where I see a woman standing.

My door opens and Gavriel immediately pulls me into his chest and holds me while he whispers sweet nothings in my ear as I grieve the parents I’ll never know.

Despite the pain this information has caused me I'm truly grateful that Gavriel went searching for me.

“Mia bella, I’m so sorry. I wish I could have given you better news,” he says, pressing soft kisses to each of my eyes. I’m sure I look terrible. I’ve been crying, so I know I'm blotchy and I've been wiping angrily at my eyes, so my makeup is probably smeared to hell.

I use the inside of my jacket to try and wipe my face, but Gavriel grabs some tissues from the center console and hands them to me. The way this man who has probably killed more than I can guess, can be so kind and sweet with me makes my anger melt.

Once I've cleaned my face as best as I can without water, I thank him and say, “I’d like to hear what else your mom knows if that’s okay? I’m ready to learn more about my history and find closure. At least now I know why I had the life I did." Still, I have so many questions now and his mother is the only one who can answer them.

“Of course, if you’re up for it.” he says while leading me inside. “My mother is practically bouncing with joy knowing her best friend’s daughter is here, alive.” That’s the second time he suggested that I was thought to be dead.

Instead of saying anything, I take his hand and walk into his parents' home. We pass under an arched foyer and between a double staircase. This place is huge. We pass through a large room that looks like a sitting room that’s been brought back from the past with all the antique furnishings and paintings. The fireplace looks unused as well. Once we're in a hallway I spot a powder room and stop because, fuck, I need to clean up a bit and have a moment to just breathe.

This is going to be a long and emotional conversation.
