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I woke up a few times in a moving vehicle with my hands tied behind my back and a gag stuffed into my mouth. A blond man was always there with me but I must have been injected with some sort of drug because I could never stay awake long enough to fight back. When I was able to fully awaken, I found myself alone in a windowless room but I had no clue where I was or how I had gotten there.

My memories were hazy and hard to reach. I began to have a major panic attack along with the shakes, though I'm certain that was caused by the alcohol I’d had and whatever sedative my captor gave me.

Once my dry heaving stopped and I could stand without falling, I tried to find my way out of the room but as I tried to reach the door I noticed I was shackled by the ankle. I still have the scars around my lower leg from where I tried pulling the chain from the cement wall.

The chain was long enough to get me to the small bathroom but nothing in it was helpful. It looked like a prison restroom. Silver bowl and sink, only both were bolted to the floor which was cement like the walls. Since there were no windows, I was never able to guess where I was. Food was slipped through a slot in the door once a day for the first few weeks, though it felt like years. I had my smart watch too but wherever I was didn’t have cell service so I knew we weren’t in the city.

I thought of starving myself, denying the measly food my captors gave me, but let's be real, how will that help me at all? I did, however, spend the first couple of months fighting back as often as I could but eventually I gave up. All it got me was an ass kicking by a man who was built like a truck.

I remember screaming for Twitch, begging him to save me or tell me this was all some twisted joke but my captor would mock me or beat me for bothering him. I didn't give a fuck. I knew Twitch was looking for me and despite the amount of time that’s passed since my abduction, I know he won’t give up. He searched for his sister since he was a boy, I know he’ll find me and kill anyone who stands in his way. Plus, he found Sia and she’s with the Renzettis. There’s nothing that can stop him now.

My watch died long ago but I’m no longer stuck in a windowless room with nowhere to escape to. Don't get me wrong, I'm still very much at my captor’s mercy but I’m no longerstuck ina corner, staring at the wall, making shapes out of the texture. The living room is an upgrade but it’s windows are sealed over with sheetrock so I can’t see outside. The full size futon is bolted to the flooring, as is the coffee table. Off to the side of the front door, there’s an archway that leads to a kitchen but the chain isn’t long enough to reach either location, even with my new chain.

Just before I was given access to the living room, my captor allowed me a longer leash. Literally. After giving up on being the combative prisoner, my guard changed out my ankle chain. I tried to escape when he took the chain off. I punched him as he squatted over my ankle. My hit threw him off but with one measly meal a day and hardly any room to workout, my punch lacked power behind it.

The man easily wrapped his meaty hand around my throat and slammed my weak body against the wall. Though I lack strength, I still had my wits about me.

“You’re nothing but a little bitch.” Then like the lady I am, I spat on his face. I still didn't know his name but I had quite a few choice nicknames for him.

“You stupid little cunt. I don't want to break you, but I will.”

I laughed in his face. Who was he fooling? Does he think he's some kind of gentleman? Did he forget about all the ass beatings he's given me?

“What? All those other beatings were my imagination? I may be beaten and broken, chained and bleeding, but I’m still a motherfucking Queen. You? You’re nothing but a bitch doing your master’s bidding.” I kneed him in his baby balls and scratched at his stupid blue eyed face, but then the front door burst open making the coward toss me to the floor.

The sunlight filtering through the open door touched my leg and I marveled at the warmth. When was the last time I had seen the sun?

The man who came through the door was identical to the man standing over me. In every physical way. Both had golden blonde hair and trimmed beards. They both had tattoos covering every inch of skin minus their faces. They were also built like serious weight lifters but there was something different too. The man in front of me had cold calculating eyes and seems to be the kind of snake that thinks before it strikes. He seemed like a monster who measures out his rewards before taking on anything; if it doesn't benefit him he doesn't care.

The new man had no light or dark in his eyes, he was completely dead inside but there was an evil ruthlessness about him that literally sent chills up and down my spine. He seemed like the kind of sicko that will maim a baby bear for kicks.

The newcomer clicks his tongue in a sarcastic way before speaking. “Father said we must not hit her anymore, Vas. But if you're going to break the rules, I think I'll join you.”

The fucking psycho took a menacing step towards me but Vas stopped him.

“No, Ivan. Father gave his order and if we want to be brought into the Popov Mafiya, we must listen to him.”

I almost scoff at the name Popov. The bastard is exiled, kicked out of his own brotherhood. How in the fuck can he help these two bozos get in? Then it hits me. Their names are Russian and looking at them closer, I see they look like young and fit versions of Ruslan Popov. Suddenly an old rumor comes to mind. When I was a kid there was talk of a Russian whore who was heavily pregnant but no one knew the father. She was a private dancer for the Popov Bratva so many whispered that it was Ruslan himself who fouled her womb.

Looking at these two men, I know the rumors were true.

Popov is the father of these two pinheads but their mother wasn’t worthy of marriage because if she were, Ivan and Vas would have been the princes in the Bratva instead of that bitch Mila.

“What am I doing here? How is my kidnapping going to help you get into the Bratva?” I tried to get any and all information out of either brother but the only reply was a backhand across my face, making everything go black.Again. Coming out of unconsciousness is no joke, let me tell you. I couldn’t move my jaw for almost a week without shooting pain straight to my brain.

From that moment on, I had to play my time here smart. If I ever wanted to get out alive, I needed to play the meek and weak woman.

And that's what I've done since.

It's been months. Months of pure fucking hell in this place. Day in and day out, it's the same thing. No fucking TV, no radio, and no outside. Just a newspaper a day, and even then it's only the comics. Though I do know the date because it's printed onto the bottom of the pages. My heart breaks every time I see how long I've been missing but allowing myself to sink deeper into depression is too dangerous so I focus on what I've learned in my time here.

I've come to learn Vas and Ivan's mannerisms. Vas is the leader of the two because Ivan is too bull headed to lead. They’re both brutal but Vas follows his father’s orders so he’s less heavy handed with me. I’ve also learned of my location—Texas. I wonder if Ruslan will show his ugly mug.

I've also come to learn that my people have been looking for me. I don't know who exactly, but I do know that either Johnny or his father has linked up with an ex military security group called WRATH Securities. I know it’s true and when I get out of this... mark my words, there won't be another disgraceful Popov on this planet because I will do everything I can to exterminate them like the pests they are.

For now, I'll bide my time and play the weak and clueless female they stupidly think all women are. Sometimes I eavesdrop on their conversations while I pretend to sleep. They believe my obedience act and wouldn't suspect me to understand their manly talk.

