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I tap the one on my chest. I fit it between my pecs, right above the Old English scriptMedusa's Barbarity; a tattoo I got for both of my girls; Sia and Silver.

I sit back and close my eyes. Just two more hours until we land. Just a few hours until Silver is back in my arms where she belongs.

Five hours later, I finish strapping a bulletproof vest onto Pony Boy and pull one over my chest. The plan is simple, WRATH Securities are here as back up but this is Cosa Nostra business so while they found the trail that led us here, it’s our job to finish.

I pull my Desert Eagle gun from my holster and run in a crouch after Ren Moretti. With my command, Pony Boy stays by my side with Johnny and Nico behind us. Gavriel, Marco and Drake run to the opposite side of the front door. The recon team, who was in contact with us before our arrival hours ago, said the only exit and entry is this door. No windows and no back door.

The closer we get to the house, I notice that the brittle siding is a disguise, the material beneath it is either cement or sheetrock, it’s difficult to tell.

Moretti turns back to me. “We’re going to have to break in the door and throw a flash grenade. Recon has shown us that the only people here are the brothers and your woman but the blueprints of the house are not available. We’ll go in left.” He nods over to Gavriel. “You’ll go in right.”

As Moretti signals to Nico, I hear a manic yet feminine laughter sound off deep inside the house. I motion to Nico who brings the door ram to his front and counts to three. Nico swings the ram once, making the door crash open. Quickly, I toss in the grenade and fog bomb. They won’t harm Silver but one will conceal our movements while the other will stun everyone in the room where it goes off, giving us vital seconds to put down threats.

Immediately, gunshots erupt but they’re high up and way off their mark. I give Pony Boy my command to go in and search out threats while I follow behind him in a low crouch. We enter what looks to be a living room but I hear a man yelling in the back room. I make my way to the far wall, noticing they’re made of cement as well. I slowly reach for the knob on the door and feel that it’s unlocked but I quickly pull my arm back as bullets fly through the wood. I look over at the guys and signal them to hold until the Russians reload.

The shots end and we hear clips being ejected. That’s our que. I nod before I straighten and kick the door open. Gun out and aimed, I shoot the first man I see. His head knocks backwards, blowing his brains and skull all over the wall behind him. I swing my gun to the second man but Pony Boy charges the guy, letting his momentum bring the bastard down. My men run into the room and detain our prisoner but where is Silver?

I rush into the restroom and see nothing. There is nowhere else for her to hide. No windows, no air ducts, no closets, nothing. Drake and Johnny look through the cabinets in the kitchen but she’s not there. Where is she?

I stalk over to the sneering bastard who is currently being zip tied by Gavriel. “Where is she?” I snarl before kicking him in the stomach. “Where’s Neviah?!” I scream in his face. I don’t let him answer though, I just snap. Months of torture pour out of me as I grab him with the strength of a raging gorilla and slam my forehead to his nose, breaking it easily. I cock my fist back and slam it to his face repeatedly. I know I shouldn’t kill him, I need information only he has but months of rage and anger come pouring out of me and no one dares to stop me… until I hear her voice behind me.


I spin around, letting the piece of shit crumble to the floor, and scan the room. Then I see her. My sweet Silver bell, tiny as I’ve ever seen her, hiding under a stained mat in the corner. She has a swollen and bruised face with blood spilling from her split lips but she’s never been more beautiful. I rush to her as my guys drag the Russian outside and into our transport vehicle.

“I’ll get Doc, Luca,” Nico says as he rushes out of the house but my focus is on my reason for living. My Queen.

I cup my girl’s face and let her see the tears running down my face. Tears I’ve only ever let loose in private. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks. Right now, I want my beautiful woman to see how long I’ve needed her.
