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Something warm and wet softly swipes across my eye. Immediately I shove it away but when I feel fur meet my fingers, I remember where I am. I open my eyes, thankful when my head no longer hurts. I smile over at Pony Boy who lays his head on my chest, softly chuffing like he’s talking.

“Oh, PB. I missed you boy. I missed you so much!” I wrap my arms around him and kiss him as he tries to lick my bruised face. I let him because he’s trying to heal me and though it stings my face a little, he heals my heart in ways only my fur baby can.

“I hope I get kisses too,ragazza!”Girl. “I missed you too.” Johnny’s voice yells down the hallway followed by stomping feet and Jefa’s yell.

“Move, Johnny, I get first kisses!”

Johnny and Jefa fight like kids trying to be the first in the room, making Pony Boy hop around like a little puppy. I crack up when Jefa jumps on Johnny’s back, shoving him into the wall before jumping into the room with her arms raised like she just stuck the landing.

“God, I missed you two clowns,” I tell them as I wipe laughing tears from my eyes.

“Awe, we missed you too, girl. It’s been ages since anyone has smiled. Tonight, we’re going to party! A real fiesta to celebrate your return!” Jefa’s joy is contagious, but too soon we all grow quiet. I know they want to know what happened but I can’t tell them anything without Twitch by my side. Speaking of him...

“Where’s Twitch?” I throw my legs over the bed and go to stand but I think I moved too quickly because the room tilts sideways, but my best friends are there to catch me. Just like always. I take advantage of their arms around me to pull them both in for a hug. I silently cry while they squeeze me but when I hear Jefa’s sob break through, it’s like the floodgates open. I’m no longer crying tears of pain and loss though. No, these tears are from relief and joy. I have my family with me, even Pony Boy stands with his front paws on us, joining the group hug.

After a moment we break apart and wipe our eyes. Even Johnny looks emotional.

“Come on, let’s go chill in the kitchen. Twitch and the guys are almost back from La Cucina.”

My stomach rumbles hearing the Renzetti restaurant’s name. Johnny holds me by the elbow and leads me out of the bedroom. The room is no longer tilting and I can stand on my own but I know Johnny needs to help me, for his own peace of mind.

The rest of the large home is bare as well but it’s still cozy with the large sectional couch and fireplace. There’s a TV above the mantel and I just about scream. I haven’t seen damn TV in ages. It’s a strange sensation to be excited over small luxuries. Jefa turns it on and goes to her YouTube channel before clicking on a playlist titledShit Sil Missed.

I smile and sit as Johnny goes into the kitchen to pour me a cup of fucking nectar… Taste bud orgasm coming right up. Just the smell of coffee alone has me jittery. Fuck yes!

“You won’t believe what happened in UFC fight 248, girl.” I love how she doesn’t baby me or treat me like I’m fragile and will shatter at the mere mention of my abduction. She looks at me like she always has. I can’t even begin to express my gratitude for that.

Johnny hands me a thermal mug and drops down next to me on the couch before going on a rant about the judge’s decision during the UFC match. I was looking forward to that fight. Another thing to hate Popov for. The bastard ruined so much shit for me. He didn’t just kidnap me with some nefarious plan in mind. He just took me to hurt everyone who loves me. He couldn’t just fucking kill me, he had to bring my family to the brink of insanity with my disappearance. Hurt me, fine. Fucking kill me, fine. Hurt my family? Make them sick with worry or agonize their hearts with fear?

Fuck that.

I’m back motherfuckers and I’m thirsty for some payback.

Johnny and Jefa notice my mental withdrawal and shut the TV off, concern written on their faces. I put my mug down on the coffee table and give them what I hope is a comforting smile rather than the snarl I feel.

“I’m good guys, honest. Look, I may have a long recovery road ahead of me but that’s only for my body. Yeah, I may have a little PTSD with this shit but trust me when I tell you, my father was worse. I grew up in a home where walking on eggshells wasn’t always enough to protect you. I know how to mentally deal with this shit but what won’t help me is kid gloves. You feel me?”

They both stew on my words for a moment, nodding in understanding but then Johnny looks at me. “What the fuck gave you the idea that we’d baby you, huh? Nah,sorella.”Sister. “I most definitely will not.”

Johnny tries to keep a straight face but I see the corners of his lips curving despite his efforts. I roll my eyes and look over to Jefa.

“You too, chica? You too busy to coddle me?”

She shrugs before laying sideways with her head in my lap. “Bitch better get used to it. I’m not going to kiss your booboos but I’ve missed you so fucking excuse me if I latch myself to you. If it makes you feel better, I’m a selfish broad so it’ll mostly be for my own benefit.” I crack up and lean back while scratching her scalp.

The ice is broken from that moment on and I’m grateful. I want to get back into my life smoothly. I know things will be different and I have a lot of recovery to do but I don’t want to be treated like glass. I meant what I said, I’m tougher than a flower. The childhood I had made me that way. I’ve been knocked down more than once in my life but I always have and always will get back up and start again.

We chill for a while, laughing and catching up. Seems that Jefa has been running Barbarity for me since my abduction and not much has changed there which is good because I can’t wait to get back to my business. Barbarity is from my own sweat and blood. Once I’m home and ready for it, I’m jumping back into my role as the fighting Queen.

Johnny and Twitch no longer train fighters, since my disappearance, they’ve gone full swing into La Famiglia. I don’t ask questions about Twitch’s role with them or even how he became a Made Man but Johnny says there’s a wild ass story behind him and the Renzetti’s.

Just then a car pulls into the driveway and immediately Jefa and Johnny are up with guns drawn but one look at the security screen on the wall, we see it’s the men. Butterflies swarm my stomach when I see Twitch climbing out of the car. The way he looked at me and the way he took care of me this morning… God, I love him. He made me feel like I have no blemishes to be found. He made me feel like a goddess.

Johnny goes outside to help with the food and drinks when Jefa comes back to the couch. “Twitch is a good man, Sil. He’s been like a blackhole while you were missing but now, the light is back in him. If you don’t keep him, I’ll have him.”

I laugh and shove her. “Fuck off or I’ll tell Nico what you just said.”

“Tell me what?” A deep emotionless voice comes through the door. Turning I see it’s Nico ‘the Cold’ followed by his brothers and finally my man. I smile big at Twitch as Jefa replies.
