Page 12 of Blood Crow

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“Oh! I want some, Ronny!” Roxy says as she appears next to me. I rub my nose and give her a skeptical look.

Last time I gave her some she ended up horribly injuring two Lycans by swinging her spiked ball and chain around doing her ‘dance moves.’

Rolling her eyes she says, “It won’t be like last time, I promise. I’ll be a good girl.” She throws in a big pout and whines like a puppy. Roxy always gets what she wants.

“Okay but I swear I will tell Darren what really happened to his Maserati if you get out of hand tonight.”

Rory walks in and tosses us both our entry passes. They’re bracelets that have been charmed to cloak the wearer. We don’t exactly need one but it keeps up cloaked from humans while visible to Supes.

Snapping on the bracelets, we hold hands and teleport to Club Lust.

Walking into the club is sort of like walking through a veil. The building is hidden within the cloaking spell but once our bracelets touch the boundary line, the whole place is in view.

The entry is framed by the bright neon lips of a sexy Fae and walking through is like being swallowed into the otherworld of lust, ecstasy and euphoria.

Directly in front of us is the huge dance which is filled with the dancing bodies of almost every kind of species known to the Supernaturals, some of which are naked, all of which await the shower of blood soon to come.

The libidinous dancers dance erotically to the dubstep playing while my sisters and I make our way to the bar in the far right corner.

In the human clubs, hitting the dance floor to work up a thirst is often what happens but here in my world… you need to build up your sexual appetite with some drinks spiked with an aphrodisiac.

“Three Depraves and three Impures!” I shout to the bartender as Roxy bounces on the balls of her feet while Rory starts to move with the beat.

This is what we needed sisters.I tell them.

Yes! Now, let’s get fucked up and find us some sexy men to taste.Roxy says enthusiastically.

I have to ignore the slight distaste I have for anyone who doesn’t have tattoos and green eyes and judging by the way both of my sisters falter a split second… I think they feel the same way too.

“Fuck that. Let’s have a well-deserved time and find some good dick!” Rory shouts as she hands us our shot glasses.

Completely unlike her but I won’t complain tonight.

“Bottoms up Crows!” We shout in unison before shooting back the fiery liquor.

Quickly chasing the Impure shot with the Depraved drink, the fire in my throat soothes and soon the room begins to pulsate with the music. I toss the straw, chug the rest down, and grab Rory and Roxy’s hands. They must’ve had the same idea because we all reach for each other.

Giggling like loonies, we make our way to the dance floor and shove others out of the way to get to the middle. Most people know us here and know our wicked reputation as the underworld bounty hunters so most move willingly.

Now, my sisters and I are close but we don’t fuck around with each other sexually but when it comes to dancing? Let’s just say we know how to seduce the men around us.

The music slows to a sensual beat, perfect for the carnal desire running through the veins of everyone around us. ‘HDMI’ by BONES begins to speed up with the rapid lyrics and as the beat drops everyone begins to jump and swing their glow sticks.

Fuck yes!

I shift into my crow and fly up to the industrial beams ten feet above our heads and shift back. Hanging by the back of my knees I let my glow sticks drop before spinning them to the beat of the music.

The dancers cheer louder when the club’s dancers take my show as their cue to begin their pole dances. After a few more minutes, I drop from my position as a Fire Fairy begins to spin fire on stage.I love this place.

Everyone can let go of their masks and be who they want to be for the night. No judgement and no fouls. You are who you want to be and anyone with a problem can suck an egg.

I signal to my sisters that I’m headed to the bar but Roxy is jumping up the stage to dance on the poles while Rory continues her dancing with a Succubus named Gianna.

Getting to the bar, I order a glass of blood and mix in some of my Insania for a little pick-me-up. All that dancing has me feeling in need of it.

Just as I bring the glass to my lips, my eyes land on Mayfly as he scoots between my stool and the now vacant one next to me.

Mayfly is somewhat of a crime boss in our world. Living against the rules and laws of the Elders and running illegal businesses like he’s untouchable, Mayfly has an air of unfiltered dominance. My sisters and I turn a blind eye to his deeds against the elders so long as he gives us useful information on other criminals. Usually they’re his rivals anyway.
