Page 14 of Blood Crow

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For weeks we watched the Crow house. For a full month or so, the Crow sisters stayed silent and on their property, within the boundary spell. We couldn’t risk breaking through without alerting them but the separation was torture. Even with our strong hearing, we hardly ever heard them speak audibly.

Their silence was just as agonizing to us as not being able to see them.

Whatever happened when we first laid eyes on the three women has only grown stronger. Mate bonds are no joke but hearing rumors of it and enduring it are two vastly different things.

When it wasn’t my turn to hunt for food, I watched through the windows almost every second of the day and night. Desperate to catch a glimpse of my Black Bird.

Yes, that’s right,myBlack Bird. There’s no denying what has happened no matter how difficult it is to understand. Hell, even Drug has had enough of the distance between him and his silver haired Crow.

We made plans to attack the boundary spell tonight using our hellfire but then we heard the girls arguing and finally agreeing to go out to Club Libidine.

Quickly we changed our plans and made our way to this club after hitting a shop for these very constricting clothes. On the way here I had gone through many different scenarios on how to approach my Black Bird but hearing the Nymph try to seduce her…I’m going to kill him.

“I’mnotyour mate,mutt.” Black Bird’s voice is so cold you can practically feel the air drop but all it does is make me smirk.

She really believes she’s not mine. I think it’s about time she faces her reality. Black Bird is mine until we break the binding.

My lips will be the only ones touching her skin. Her body will know only my rough hands. It will be my words alone that find her ears as I take her and only my body will bring her to euphoric heights.

Why? Because she’s fucking mine.

“Not your mate, eh? Let’s see.” Without much care, I grab the nearest woman, a succubus, and slam my lips to hers.

I don’t get the chance to ponder why this girl’s lips, soft and pillowy as they are, make me cringe internally because Black Bird is ripping the girl’s arms from my neck.

Hissing like a cobra, Black Bird holds the demon by the neck before lifting her off the ground completely. I must say, my little Crow looks delicious when her eyes are shifted black.

“Mine!” Black Bird snarls at the gasping demon before tossing her like a bag of bricks.

“Stop, Ronny! He’s only goading you.” One of the sisters snaps from behind me. I’m sure my brothers are keeping the Crow’s claws back.

“Ronny…” I taste the name and looking at the wildly sexy woman before me, it fits her. “Looks like Iamyour mate.” I smile as she curls her lips at me before charging at me for a fight.

Her speed is remarkable! If I were a human I wouldn’t have been able to block her attack but I’m not human. With her fangs out, Ronny charges but I quickly wrap my fingers around her neck and squeeze.

Her skin is cool to the touch and as smooth as I imagined. Soft and pliable but not penetrable without magic. Her eyes stay blacked out but her pulse beneath my fingers is fast and erratic. I smell the anger on her but it’s quickly becoming overpowered by desire.

Cloy and addictive. Her scent is fucking with my mind.

Along with her pulse, a vibration begins, like a cat purring with pleasure and I can’t help the thought of shoving my cock down her throat while she does that.

Suddenly, said cock is in excruciating pain and the fuzz in my brain evaporates like the morning dew with the sun.

“I will rip your manhood from your body if you don’t let me go,dog.”

This fucking girl.I want to kill her and fuck her… Not in that order of course.

“Do it and I’ll rip you and your sister’s wings off before the night is done.”

I don’t wait for her to reply or follow through on her threat. Instead I push her back, pulling her fucking talons away from my balls, before slamming her back to my chest.

The music continued to play even through our interruption so I wrap my left arm around her waist and begin to move.

The music fades to a remix of Portishead’s ‘Humming,’ which is one of their greatest underrated songs and the sensual melody is perfect for the vixen in my arms.

“Dance with me, Black Bird,” I say into her ear.

I pull her harder into me and sway my hips side to side, letting her feel how hard I am for her… despite her attempts at castrating me. Her body moves smoothly, lazily, like a cobra swaying to the flute’s hypnotizing notes. The song speaks of sex like poetry and Ronny is the embodiment of dark and sultry.
