Page 35 of Blood Crow

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"Yeah," is all he says before throwing a palm size ball of black flame. It sails to the moth quickly, not giving it a chance to fly away.

The moth turns to dust and as it falls to the ground, the ash floats to the east without the help of wind. Yeah that was definitely Merelda.

"What a fucking creep! She watched us! That motherfucking sadistic voyeur watched her grandson like a nasty ass bitch. I will cut her eyes out." I'm simultaneously sick and angry.

Drug continues to stand there, molten lava for eyes as he stares at the branch. I put my hand on his arm but before I teleport us away, I feel my head spinning.

Another vision is coming to me and it's strong. Not as crippling as the last one but the effects are still strong as hell. Damn I hope we find these talisman soon because I need to hone in this gift before it comes on at the wrong time.

When the world stops spinning, I'm standing in front of... me? Damn, I look good in those shorts. I never realized I got a nice booty going on. Okay, definitely not the time to be admiring myself.

Future me is standing on the edge of a fifty foot drop and below is a fast flowing river but it's not the river she's watching. She looks nervous as hell and ready to jump into action at any moment.

"Oh shit!" Drug's scream catches me off guard and makes me jump like a cat in water. It's then I realize I'm still holding his arm. I turn and look at him and he's watching future me reach down and tug on a hand until future Drug is pulled up from the side of the cliff.

"Got it!" Future Drug shouts winded as he holds up whatever he climbed down the cliff for. Future Ronny smiles at him and reaches for the object which looks to be a wooden carving of a tree. It's broken and aged. It looks like the delicate branches that were carved long ago have been broken, making it look like a gnarly wand.

As soon as future Ronny's fingers touch the wood, the ground shakes like a tremble from an earthquake. The spot future Drug is standing on breaks and he begins to fall off the cliff while future Ronny and I scream.

The vision begins to leave without the spinning or light headed feeling and quickly we're standing in the same spot we started out in.

Quickly I turn to Drug, fearing I left him behind... can I do that?

"Oh snap! I'm sorry!" In my fear, my nails pierced through Drug's bicep. I pull away and wait for him to say something, maybe curse this entire mission and leave me because it seems that in two visions, Drug usually ends up hurt. Instead he chuckles.

He fucking chuckles until it turns into full on belly laughs. I can't hold back my laughter either so I turn and begin walking.

Even though his laugh sends a warm feeling through my body and does curious things to my heart, I still yell over my shoulder above his contagious sounds.

"I'm glad you find this all hilarious."

I hear his feet crunching gravel as he jogs to my side. The smell of his tantalizing blood makes my mouth water so much that I wipe my chin to make sure I didn't drool. I can feed from him but it's not nourishment. It’s a sexual thing and it might be what tightens our bond but it doesn't sustain my hunger at all.

"I don't find the situation funny, Black. Your fear for my well-being though, that's cute and I'm laughing for two very funny reasons. One; you let your panic freeze you so badly that you didn't think to just jump with me and teleport us back up. Two; it'll take much more than a fall off a cliff to kill me." The asshole chuckles again.

"Hm, but you can be killed. Good to know." I give him a sassy wink which makes his ridiculous chuckles die off quickly.
