Page 68 of Raiding Road

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Chapter twenty-nine

‘Meeting the Queen’ Attick Demons


“You ready for this?” I ask Jaz as we leave Case’s office and shutting the door on our damage to the room.

Case is definitely going to lose his shit over that, and it’ll be well fucking worth it. If anything, he’ll just retaliate by committing the same crime in our domain.


I never thought I’d be seeing anything other than mine. Well, aside from Jaz and her wolf.

Mine. Me and my wolf internally say together.

“Yeah, I am.” Jaz say, lifting her chin high and squaring her shoulders like she’s about to go to battle rather than a Cutthroat party.

She grips the door handle, ready to step outside, but I stop her, “It’s okay to be scared or nervous. Fear…it keeps you alert and with the way shit has been, that can’t be a bad thing. Just know that I’m right here with you. Whatever you face out there, it’ll have to face me first, got it?”

She nods and wipes at her eyes, “Thanks, Roam,” but as I go to open the door, it’s her who stops me this time, “I don’t know what it’s like in your world but growing up in Raider Pack was incredibly old school. Modern living wasn’t what we knew. Sure, we had modern technology like cars and whatnot,” she stops and chuckles with nervousness.

“What are you trying to get at, little wolf?”

She takes a deep breath and looks up at me, determination and a spark of fear in her eyes, “Neque vitam sine te, Roman.”

My heart stops for a second hearing the ancient words, a phrase I haven’t heard for many, many fucking years.

No life without you.

Now I understand what she was trying to say. This phrase runs deeper than the modern words ‘I love you’. It’s eternal and self-sacrificing. It means to die to yourself and live for another.

“Neque vitam sine te, Jazaline.” I tell her just before she jumps into my arms, her face crashing down onto the crook of my neck.

The word love has lost its meaning somewhere along the way, but this right here has shown me that it’s more than just a word. Love is not a spectacle; a show for everyone to see and hear you. It’s a bond for people who can never breathe without the other. A tie between two souls that would be torn to shreds if one lost the other. Love is death and life in one. It’s pain and agony hand-in-hand with peace and joy.

It’s a lead ball in your stomach and a warm blanket on your heart.

Why? How can love be so pure yet so sinful?

Because love is a gilded cage. A cell with the perfect view. It traps you, ensnares you and leaves you vulnerable to pain and heartache, but call me certifiable, because I’d gladly walk into Jaz’s entrapment. Fuck, I’m already there, and there’s nothing that can pull me back out.

I let Jaz go, her body sliding down mine, and grin at her shy smile, “Let’s get out there before I end up fucking the shy right off your face.”

I adjust my growing cock as peals of laughter pour from her.

The sweetest sound on the fucking planet.I tell her through our bond.

What sound?

Your joy.Her cheeks redden as I clear my throat, suddenly feeling like a boy with a crush.

Alright, enough with the pussy shit. I grip the door handle and swing it open. The party is in full swing, MC and pack members surround the bonfire in the middle of the courtyard next to the wolf fountain, while others line up at the ten barbeque grills we have going.

“Hey baby girl, you look good. Everyone is waiting on you guys. You ready?”

Jaz smiles and looks around as more and more people notice our appearance. I feel her hand squeeze mine as more and more eyes land on her. No one sneers or grumbles, they just wait for us to approach, but her pounding heart tells me she perceives almost every glance her way as distrust toward her.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Jaz says before letting my hand go and stepping toward the stage where the band will be playing tonight.
