Page 70 of Beautifully Undone

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“Yeah, I agree,” I said. “And that’s why Mel and I decided to move up.”

“That’s fantastic. I’m glad,” Jackson said.

“Yeah, me, too,” Brodie added.

“We want to get away from the city. It was great for us when we were unattached, but we want Becket to live somewhere…not so fast-paced as the city. San Francisco is a fun place to visit or live when you’re single, but I think the city can be rough on a child. I want him to be able to enjoy the peacefulness and the sounds of the country and be able to build a fort in the backyard or some other private place he can go and just be. A thinking spot. I’d always wanted a thinking spot when I was a kid. We lived just outside the city. It was okay, and Mel’s mom still lives there, but we didn’t have much space or safe places we could go to explore.”

“Makes perfect sense. You want Becket to have a better life than you did,” Brodie said.


“Maybe we can help with that,” Jackson offered, and I gave him a rather surprised glance. “Don’t look so shocked, Ash, that’s what brothers do. We help each other.”

I’d spent so many years hating these two guys. So much useless time wasted, wanting something I could have easily had if I’d taken the time to find them earlier.

Now, all the hating and the jealousy I’d spent so many years perfecting was beautifully undone by my brothers and my beautiful wife and son. I had a family, and I belonged to them just as much as they belonged to me.
