Page 25 of Starstruck

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“Wow. And?”

“Well, it’s just that I liked it. Really liked it. And now I can’t stop thinking about her. I was supposed to go over there tonight to do it again… and maybe more.”

“So the problem is….?”

“I’m just a little confused,” I said honestly. “Does this mean I’m bisexual?”

“It might.” Sara shrugged. “If that’s a label that’s meaningful to you and helps you to identify your sexuality, then sure.”

“But I’m not really attracted to women. I mean, if I was, how come you and I never…”

“Eww, don’t be gross.” She held her hand up to silence me.

“Sorry.” I laughed. “I just mean, as a general rule, I’m not attracted to women. So what is it about Amelia?”

“Sometimes you just have that connection with someone and gender becomes an afterthought.”

“That’s exactly what it is!” I threw my arms out wide in excitement. “It’s like I just feel so close to her and when I’m around her, I want to express that.”

“And if that makes you feel that bisexuality is a meaningful label to apply to yourself, then use it.”

“Hmm, I dunno.” I toyed with a lock of hair. “Something about it doesn’t seem like it fits.”

“I dated a girl who was usually attracted to men, but liked to identify herself as fluid or heteroflexible.” Sara shrugged. “And I’ve dated other women who didn’t find labels meaningful to them at all. It’s all about what you’re comfortable with.”

“I’ll have to think about it more.”

My brows closed in.

“What will you have to think about?” Oliver re-emerged, toweling his hair.

“Umm, just Amelia.”

“Amelia? Oh, the girl from your movie?”


“What about her?” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “If she did something to you, I swear she’ll pay for it.”

“No!” I raised my palms. “It’s nothing like that. Amelia’s amazing.”

My face must’ve said everything, because Oliver’s suspicion switched to horror. “Oh, no! Jess, you’re joking.”

“I didn’t even say anything!”

“You have feelings for her.” His mouth fell open.

“Do I?” Sure I liked spending time with Amelia and messing around with her was hot, but did that mean I had feelings for her?

“It’s all over your face!” He practically threw himself at my feet. “Jessica, please. I can’t let you do this to yourself.”

“I’m not doing anything—I mean, Amelia and I aren’t doing anything.” I chewed my lip. “Just a little fooling around. It’s not like we’re dating or anything.”

“Don’t lie to me and don’t lie to yourself.” Oliver’s features became suddenly stern. “You see how brutal my breakup with Mel has been—now imagine that with someone you’re contractually obligated to see every day. See, kiss, and whisper I love you to. Try faking a romance with someone when looking at them fills you with a fiery rage. It doesn’t work.”

“Maybe that wouldn’t happen with me and Amelia.”

“Maybe not, but if you and Amelia are meant to be together, you can at least wait until the filming’s done.”
