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Letting out a squeal of surprise, I spun around, but the room was empty save for me. Except the mirrors told a different story. In each reflection of myself, the smug face of the king smiled back, obviously delighting in my shock.

“We meet again, Miss McQueen. ”

“If that’s what you call this. ”

“Ah, you’ll have to forgive our methods. The fae tend to live their lives on one plane or another, and we generally fear that to leave our favored plane may cause us to become forever trapped on a different one. Calliope and I are forbidden from being in the same reality as one another, because were I to die, she would have my throne. If we were in the same world, and were both to die… Well. You humans have a word for it. Anarchy. ”

“Fairies don’t believe in anarchy?”

“The fae believe in rules. Always in rules. ”

“So I’ve learned. Which is why I’m here. ”

“Oh? I do love a good intrigue. Tell me. ”

“The night of the ball you made me a promise. ”

“Have I lived so short a time as to regret it already?” he asked.

“Maybe you should think better of the promises you make. ”

“I make so very few. ”

“Or maybe you should have better control over your people. ”

His visage grew stormy, the quick flicker of rage I’d seen come over him in the past. I knew the fairy king was prone to sudden mood swings, but it was strange to see him overtaken so visibly. I didn’t wait for him to regain control, I merely pressed on. “Another youth was killed in my territory, the same way as the last. You assured me this wouldn’t happen again, and your word has proven to be no good to me. ”

“You’ve begun to bore me. I dislike accusations and assaults on my character. ”

“But you do like demands. I know that. ”

“Do you think you’re in a position to demand anything from a king?” Briefly he became larger, the edges of his figure blurring and shifting into something monstrous and unstable. I swallowed the pit forming in my throat.

“I know I am. Don’t try to intimidate me. ”


His outline became normal again, and he once more looked bored. “Then let’s get it over with. What do you want?”

“Two things. ”

“That’s not typically how a return on favors goes. ”

“Ah, but you make so few promises, Your Majesty. The outcome of a broken one must surely hold more weight. ” This ploy was a hell of a long shot, but I wanted to try it.

“Let me hear what these two things are. Then I will determine what weight my promises are worth. ”

“I want to reverse our arrangement. ”

“Reverse it?”

“Yes, I want what you took. ”

“And you’re willing to return the girl? The one who was so precious to you? Who you went to such great lengths to get back?” His tone was snide. I could tell he was trying to make me feel selfish or guilty. If that was his game, fine. He didn’t need to know how happy this would make Kellen.

“I’m willing to do what it takes to make it a fair trade. ”

He gave a thin, thoughtful smile. “Maybe you really do have royal blood in you. ”

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