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He couldn’t have shown up like twelve hours earlier?

Cade helped me towards the entrance of the cemetery, where the hole Leo and I had been swallowed through was sealed, the street as unblemished as it had been last night.

I sat down on the curb, holding my side, thinking of what I’d just done and all that was still left to do.

I’d saved Leo, but in the process I had damned Sunny. Charon’s eternal memory wasn’t likely to forget what I’d promised him any time soon. Nor was Manea going to be in any rush to forgive me for besting her yet again.

Cade sat down next to me, and I rested my head against his shoulder, listening as the sound of ambulance sirens wailed closer and closer. Guess Leo had found that phone after all.

Thunder rumbled, and the sidewalk began to sprout leopard spots where huge, fat drops of rain fell around us. Soon the storm god would be reunited with his son, and my job here would be finished.

If I could go another year or so without seeing this town, I’d be all too happy.

“What do you know about getting out of verbal contracts with immortals?” I asked him.

“You can’t,” he replied.

I was worried he was going to say that.

“Just so you know, being around me is about to get really complicated.”

He leaned back so I was able to see his face. “Tallulah, being around you was always going to be complicated. Are you about to get me in more trouble?”

I smirked. “Probably. Once I uncollapse my lung. But I can get into trouble all on my own, if you want out.”

“Out? I don’t think so. You still owe me dinner.” He pressed a kiss on my temple. “And a new car.”

All the talking was taking its toll, making me woozy. Lightning flashed across the sky as the ambulance pulled up in front of us. The paramedics got out, and one jogged towards me while the other opened the back doors of the rig.

“I’ll get you that new car, if you help me defy a god,” I told him as the paramedic knelt beside me, rattling off a slew of questions while checking my pulse. I barely registered what she was saying, my attention was so transfixed on whatever Cade said next.

“You’ve got yourself a date.”

Thanks for reading Thunder Road! I hope you enjoyed Tallulah’s first adventure, it won’t be her last.

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· Can’t wait to start another Sierra Dean book? Keep reading for a sample chapter of Bayou Blues, and get caught up on Genie’s story before Black Magic Bayou releases this fall.

Bayou Blues – Genie McQueen Book 1

When your sister has saved the world, you have a lot to live up to.

Genie McQueen thought she’d seen it all after helping her big sister Secret stop the Apocalypse. The dead walked, New York City burned, and things nearly went to hell in a hand basket. After it was all over, the world knew about vampires and werewolves, and Genie’s life would never be the same.

But now, three years later, someone doesn’t want werewolves or any supernatural creatures to live alongside humans. A new anti-werewolf church with a charismatic leader and a cult-like following has declared open season on Genie’s whole species. When a member of her pack is kidnapped, she decides it’s time to stop going with the flow and to step up and fight for her people.

Tagging along for the ride is a handsome troublemaker, Wilder Shaw, a pack outsider who just wants to save his brother, but will leave Genie’s head spinning in the process.

Equally troubling are the ghosts of her past she can’t quite shake, the nightmarish figures who haunt her even when she’s wide awake, and a dark magic inside her she hasn’t yet learned to tame.

Things are about to get messy in the bayou.

Chapter One
