Page 25 of Chasing Kings

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“Haven’t you ever brought a boyfriend to an event with coworkers?”

Sam smacked his arm. “I own my own business, so no. And don’t even pretend like cocktails with the folks from the office are the same as spending an evening with a hundred girls you’ve had sex with.”

“But it is the same. That’s my job. Those girls are my coworkers. And even if the work might be more intimate than what most people are used to, it’s still just a job to us. We know where the line between work and real life ends. None of those girls think I’m dating them. There’s nothing to be jealous about.”

“I’m not jealous,” she replied too quickly, but her tone gave her away. She definitely was a bit put off by the idea of spending time around the other women he’d slept with. Faintly, Ethan was aware that this was a normal reaction for a woman to have, yet it still didn’t compute to him. He knew how to distinguish between the women in his professional life and his private life, so it was hard for him to understand why the women he dated couldn’t do the same.

He’d dated one or two of his costars in the past, and it was the only time he could recall sex not becoming a point of contention. They slept with other men, he slept with other women. But when it came to their relationships, they were monogamous.

That distinction didn’t seem to translate to the outside world.

If he was going to continue seeing Sam after they left Vegas, she would need to understand the realities of dating a porn star. And since he liked her and would very much like to keep her as a part of his life—in whatever context they could work out—he thought it might be a good idea to introduce her to that side of who he was.

So far she’d only seen him in videos and only knew about his job in a distant sense. Sure, she’d watched two movies now, but it wasn’t quite the same thing as attending an industry event. There was a chance if she saw him with other actors and was able to get him in his element, maybe then the whole thing could stop being an issue.

Either that or it would put a permanent wedge between them.

But considering how much shit Ethan was in, it might be best for Sam if she got spooked. At this point it was too late for Ethan to drive her away on his own. He wanted to keep her around too badly.

Sam was good for him. Even if he was no good for her.

Chapter Eleven

The deal was, Sam would go to the AVAs with Ethan, but then she got to arrange for dinner afterwards. The idea of planning a dinner that might live up to anything he’d done for her so far was more stress than actually thinking about the awards ceremony.

She’d seen him watching an episode of Hell’s Kitchen and knew there was a Gordon Ramsay restaurant somewhere in Vegas, but would that be enough? Was he watching the show because he was a fan, or just because it was on?

The whole discussion of them going to the awards ceremony and making plans for dinner afterwards had brought their evening to a close without any actual sex occurring. Not that she didn’t count the oral as sex per se, especially since it was the most phenomenal orgasm she could ever recall having. But she hadn’t gotten to interact with his famous penis, and it bummed her out a little.

Was he going to want to have sex after an event designed to reward him for having sex? Would her dinner plans be the deciding factor, or could she just ask him to strip for her again?

More importantly, was she going to want to have sex with him after meeting dozens of beautiful, scantily clad women who already had?

It was too much to think about.

Sam was an overthinker by nature, and finding herself in a situation like this sent her poor brain into high gear. She’d woken early when Ethan was still asleep and left him with a note saying she’d gone to her own room to plan for the evening ahead. Now she was pacing the floor of her suite, trying to figure out what she was going to do.

In the shower, beneath the droplets from the rainfall showerhead, she began to relax a little. He’d gone to great lengths to explain to her that all the women he worked with he just considered coworkers. Sure, it was still hard for her to reconcile his job with a normal one, but Boring Kyle had managed to bone one of his colleagues, and that definitely hadn’t been his job. Ethan wasn’t hiding the fact he slept with other women and was even trying to put her at ease about it.

What was it he’d said? Haven’t you ever taken your boyfriend…?

She scrubbed the shampoo in her hair as if she could wash the overly hopeful thought out of her head along with the suds. It was just a turn of phrase, nothing more. He wasn’t calling her his girlfriend. It was a bit premature for those kinds of statements. After all, they’d only known each other a couple of days.

Yet…he was so different from the other men she knew. And granted, there weren’t a lot of options in Edison Falls, but she’d gone away for school, she knew plenty of men her age, and none of them were quite like Ethan. He was brash, cocky and all those other alpha-dog traits she tended to dislike. But he was also charming. And not in a phony way. Ethan Silver, her porno Prince Charming.

She rinsed off but stayed under the water awhile longer, letting the droplets massage her skin and chase off her feelings of unease.

Once she was out, she would call the restaurant and make reservations. She would put on the nicest dress she’d brought, dig out her heels and get her game face on. Tonight she was going to meet about a hundred of the other women Ethan had fucked, and she was going to shake hands and play nice with each and every one of them.

Sam met Ethan downstairs at a quarter to five, so they would be at the event hotel in time for the six o’clock red carpet.

“You know they usually do it here, at the Hard Rock,” Ethan told her. “That’s why the distributors booked a suite here. They usually recommend afterparties. Plus the Hard Rock has an edgier vibe, so the AVAs don’t seem so out of place here. But there was a conflict with bookings, so this year it’s at the MGM.” He made a face when he named the other hotel like it left a bad taste in his mouth.

“I take it the MGM isn’t as popular with you?”

“Meh, it’s not that, it’s just we got used to it being here, you know? Feels like coming to summer camp every year, where you know the layout, the bars, you know where everything is.”

“How many of these have you been to?”
