Page 46 of Summer Swoon

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“Are you ever gonna answer?”


Today we’re replacing the front and back doors on the Weaver cabin. The structure is super crooked, so the job is taking longer than planned. It’s the only thing we’re doing today so at least it’s not putting us behind schedule on anything else.

“You know she’s stubborn.”

“I wonder where she gets that from.”

Pop can be stubborn as hell, which can make him tough to deal with, but it’s also the reason we even know each other. My mother got pregnant with me when she was eighteen and followed her baby daddy to Los Angeles. I’ve never met my father, so that tells you how well that went. Even though that’s true, she didn’t come back to Seaside. Ever.

I only have a relationship with Pop because he’d come pick me up and bring me here for a couple weeks every summer. Through those visits and random phone calls, we got to know each other. Which is why he was the person I reached out to when I needed to get out.

“She’ll just keep callin’.”

I finished adding shims and grabbed the level. It looks pretty good but I stepped back for Pop to check.

“And I’ll keep ignoring her,” I said. “Eventually I’ll just block her.”

He shook his head and muttered something under his breath.

“Pop, she only wants to try to talk me into doing that reunion show. If I thought it was anything else, I’d answer.”

“Your mother and me aren’t the only ones that are stubborn.”

“Guilty as charged.”

I nailed the door into place and stepped back while Pop opened and closed it a couple times.

“Looks good,” he said. “You don’t even need me anymore.”

Truth be told, I haven’t needed him for things like this for quite a few years, but I didn’t say that. Pop has been making similar comments more often these days. It makes me wonder if he’s getting ready to retire.

Logically I know there will be a day when Pop isn’t around, but it’s not something I like to think about. Like he said last time we had this conversation, he and my mom are all I have. Once he’s gone, my mom will be my only living relative. That’s a pretty depressing thought.

“So Eve is stayin’ longer.”

“Yep, another month.”

“So she was okay with all that?” he asked, gesturing toward my phone.

“I haven’t told her yet.”

His grunt said more than any words could.

“I’ll do it tonight.”

I’ve said that before but always seem to get sidetracked. But I know that I have to tell her. If not tonight, then definitely tomorrow.

My phone buzzed and I walked over to check the text message. Eve’s name on the screen brightened my thoughts. Maybe if all goes well, she’ll be in my life.
