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Chapter Ten

Pengarron, Cornwall, 25 December 1825

“Ooh, isn’t sheadorable!”

“Such a sweetheart, and so like her mama!”

Alice cradled her baby in her arms, while her friends cooed and clucked. Frederica leaned over and tickled the baby’s cheek.

Edwina. Named after the man who helped bring her into the world. When Alice had suggested the name last night, she’d thought Edward would burst into tears. Instead, he kneeled at her feet, took her hand and kissed it.

“Such a beautiful child,” Frederica said. “But, Alice, what on earth were you thinking? First you go gallivanting across the moors to give birth in a stable. Then, not content with that, you insist on traveling within hours of your confinement! It’s a wonder your poor husband didn’t go gray overnight.”

“Doctor Payne assured me this morning I was well enough to travel,” Alice said.

In reality, the doctor had admonished Alice for her recklessness. But he’d also assured her that though Edwina had entered the world a month sooner than expected, she was a healthy child, for all that she was a little small.

But she had a strong pair of lungs, which she proved with aplomb in the carriage ride home.

“What do you think of your sister, Amelia, dear?” Jeanette asked.

Amelia, who was sitting on the hearthrug with Georgia, next to Twinkle’s basket, looked up. “I love her!” she said. “Do you like Twinkle’s puppies?”

Jeanette wrinkled her nose. Though fond of animals, she was a practical woman at heart who couldn’t understand the pleasure to be gained from loving a pet. Her sister Susan, however, crouched down next to Amelia and stroked the little pug.

“I think they’re adorable,” she said.

“Would you like one of Twinkle’s puppies, Miss Claybone?” Amelia asked.

“That would be delightful,” she said. “Ilovebabies.”

For a woman who declared such a marked dislike of gallant suitors, Susan Claybone possessed a strong maternal instinct. Though Alice didn’t know her as well as the other ladies, Miss Claybone had been the one to rush to her side when she arrived home, and tend to the baby while Ross helped her out of the carriage. Alice had caught her once or twice looking at Edwina with longing, and she’d made up her mind to ask Susan to be godmother.

The door opened and a footman came in.

“Mr. Edward Scrimgeour,” he announced.

A hush descended over the party.

A tall, broad-shouldered man stood in the doorway, clutching his top hat nervously. He had to stoop to fit in the doorframe, which made his discomfort all the more obvious.

Westbury and Stiles exchanged glances, but Alice’s heart filled with pride as Ross strode toward him, hand outstretched.

“My friend!” he cried. “I’m delighted you were able to join us.”

The ladies followed his lead and rose to their feet while Ross introduced them. Edward blushed as Ross related, once more, the tale of how he’d saved Alice’s life. Frederica and Jeanette held out their hands, and Edward took each one in turn and lifted it to his lips. Susan listened to the tale with interest, and when it came to her turn to be introduced, she moved a little closer, until they almost touched. Edward held her hand to his lips a fraction longer than the others. Their eyes met, then Susan colored and withdrew with a smile.

Alice looked around the room, but nobody else had noticed the exchange.

Amelia watched him, apprehension in her eyes. He approached her and crouched until he was at her eye-level.

“And how are you today, young lady?” he asked. “I trust you’re taking good care of our little friend, here.”

He stroked Twinkle’s head and a little pink tongue flicked out and licked his hand.

“She likes you!” Amelia laughed.

“That’s just as well,” he replied, “for I like her too. A brave little soul she is, just like your mama.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a biscuit. “I have a tidbit for her, if you think she’d like it. My way of apologizing for giving you—and her—such a scare the other day. Or would she prefer it if you gave it to her? I am, after all, a stranger.”

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