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“Five, all of them in Torquay and neighboring towns. Waterfront properties. I gave one to my sister and her husband as a wedding present when they married.”

“What of your grandmother and mum?”

A flicker of pain shot into his eyes. “They passed.”

“Oh, Perin. I am so sorry.” She reached out and touched his hand, then drew it away when he made no attempt to take hers. “Will you be staying in London for Christmas Day?”

He nodded. “Mrs. Quinn, Des, and I dine together. We are an odd group. A trio of misfits, but we are the closest thing to family for each other. My sister and her husband will be with your Uncle Peter and his Annie.”

“Perin, I would not take you from them on Christmas Day. But would you please reconsider and join my family for Christmas Eve supper? Please. My mother would not have invited you if she and my father did not approve of you.”

“Aurora, why will you not let me do the honorable thing and stay away from you?”

“Because it is foolish, not honorable. It is only fitting that you should join us since you are the one who saved my ribbons.” She laughed and shook her head. “Family stops by. Aunts, uncles, and cousins. We set out the wassail bowls, roast chestnuts in our hearth fire, and have ever so much food. Papa always puts up mistletoe and kisses my mother under it. He still thinks she is the most beautiful woman in existence. They love each other so much. What if you and I could have this, Perin?”

“Aurora, you have known me less than a week.”

“And I would like to know you for a lifetime.” She understood what he was feeling, all the hurts and slights he must have endured over the years. “Make a wish, Perin. A Christmas wish. Think about what you want most in the world. What will make you happiest?”

“I don’t believe in that nonsense.”

“Yes, you do. You believe in it more deeply than anyone else. I was your dream, and you believed in me. Make your Christmas wish.”

He took her hand and lifted her to her feet. “Des will clean up whatever we’ve missed. My carriage will have been brought to the front by now.”


“Yes, Aurora?”

She reached up on tiptoes and kissed him firmly on the mouth, hoping against hope she was doing it right because she had only ever kissed him that once, and he had been doing most of the kissing. “Stubborn man,” she muttered. “You are all I want for Christmas. You are all I shall ever want. If you will not make your Christmas wish, then I shall make mine. All I want for Christmas is you.”

“Aurora, it is madness.”

“Say it, Perin. What do you want for Christmas? Just close your eyes and say the thing you want most in the world. It does not have to be me. I will be disappointed, of course. But I will understand. Just blurt what is deepest in your heart.”

“Deepest in my heart?” He wrapped his arms firmly around her and drew her up against him. “Blessed saints. Is there any doubt what I desire most in this world?”

“Say it, Perin.”

“I love you, Aurora. For now. For always. Forever.” He kissed her with a deep and eternal longing. “All I want for Christmas is you.”
