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Was this her first kiss?

It had to be, for her lips were pressed tight, and the kiss was grandmotherly. But she would learn to loosen up. He’d teach her, take his time, and show her properly. Nevertheless, her lips were soft and sweet, exactly the sort of lips one hoped for in a wife he intended to love into eternity.

He felt a joy he did not ever believe possible.

Hyacinth had been saving herself for him. She’d saved her first words for him. Her first steps. Her first Christmas gift, which was still wrapped in the box and left somewhere in his library.

He lifted her into his arms and continued to kiss her, tasting the apple cider on her lips and breathing in the scent of lavender on her skin. He felt the perfect softness of her body against his and felt his heart open up to let her in.

Perhaps she had always been in his heart, and he simply had not realized it.

She sighed as he set her down and eased his lips off hers.

He knew there would be no backing out now, especially not with her father about to aim his loaded weapon at him. He’d be doing the same thing if Hyacinth were his daughter, and some besotted dolt was kissing her with enough heat to roast the sun. “This house does not need a box of decorations. There is only one thing this house needs, and that is you, Hyacinth.”

Her eyes rounded in surprise. “Do you mean it?”

Innes nodded. “You called me an idiot last night. Well, I was. And now that I’ve reconsidered, I am going to take you up on your suggestion to find someone who will love me and cherish me as I deserve. However, I don’t know that I am all that deserving. But I have found that someone in you, if you wish to have me. I want to share my life with you. So, my beloved Hyacinth–”

“Stop!” She pushed out of his arms. “Wait. Not yet. You have to open my gift first.”

He groaned. “You’ve shattered the mood. I was trying to be romantic.”

Her father groaned and took a seat in one of the chairs, watching him about to make a fool of himself over his daughter. “She’s my own flesh and blood,” Romulus said, grinning at him. “I have no choice but to love and protect her. It isn’t too late for you to change your mind, Innes.”


“He adores you, Hyacinth. Let me tease him just a little. Besides, he knows I will hunt him down to the pits of hell if he dares back out of marrying you now.”

“Be quiet, Papa. That is appallingly ghoulish and not in the holiday spirit at all. Holmes, did you find the box?”

“Yes, Miss Hyacinth.”

Good grief, were those tears forming in his butler’s eyes?

She took the box from Holmes and handed it over to him. “Happy Christmas, Innes.”

“I love you, Hyacinth.” He kissed her softly on the mouth before opening the box, not really caring what it held, for she was his true gift.

Hyacinth nudged him. “Stop grinning at me, Innes. Look at what’s inside the box.”

“I am looking.” There were two silver bells, one etched with a design of thePlover. The other had words etched into it.To Innes, Remember me always. Love, Hyacinth.

He nodded, too choked up for words.

Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke in a rasping voice. “I never forgot you, Hyacinth. I’ve always carried you in my heart.”

“Nor could I ever forget you. No one ever had better ears to tug. I love you, Innes.”

He took her back in his arms and kissed her again.

She had been the best part of his Christmas past.

She was the best part of his Christmas present.

She would be the best part of his Christmas future.

“Hyacinth, just so we are clear on why I am kissing you…will you marry me?”
