Page 53 of P.S. I Loathe You

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“You’re still looking at me.”

He groans in frustration. “I swear to god, Devon, if you don’t shut up and let me fuck you I’ll flip you over and spank you so bloody hard—”

“Okay, okay.” I grab the back of his neck and pull his face down, crushing our lips together. I know I’m being utterly ridiculous; who wouldn’t like it when their lover looks at them like [?]? But tonight was supposed to be about proving that the only thing between Wes and me is sex,notabout giving myself ideas to the contrary.

I make the decision to shut my brain off and just enjoy what’s happening: Wes deep inside me, his mouth devouring mine, our bodies moving together. I find myself clinging to him, my legs wrapped around his waist, one hand buried in his hair while the other skims over the flexing muscles of his back.

“Devon,”he murmurs, scattering kisses over my neck. “Dev…”

As though coming to some kind of decision, he pauses his movements and lifts his head to look at me again. Propping himself on one arm, he takes a firm grip of my chin and tilts my face toward him, piercing me with his intense gaze. “You’re going to come now,” he says matter-of-factly. “And I’m going to watch you. And if you have a problem with that, I’m just going to take my cock and go finish in the bathroom. Because if I can’t watch you, you sure as fuck can’t watch me. Got it?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“Good. Now grab your dick, babe. Stroke yourself for me.”

I reach down between us and close my hand around my cock, stroking firmly as Wes resumes moving inside me, but with a gentler rhythm this time. His eyes are locked intently with mine, as though daring me to look away; I couldn’t if I wanted to.

“Wes,”I breathe out, a little desperately.

“Get yourself there, babe,” he encourages. “Let me see it. Let me see you.”

As though the words are unlocking something inside me, I feel the orgasm rushing through me and I’m helpless to hold it back. I arch off the bed with a harsh groan as I come hard all over my hands and stomach.

“Beautiful,” Wes murmurs, brushing a kiss to my forehead. “You’re fucking gorgeous when you come.”

I feel my face flame at the uncharacteristically tender words and gesture; I don’t have much time to be embarrassed, though, because only a moment later Wes has completely switched gears and is pulling out of my arse and clambering to straddle my chest, throbbing cock in hand.

He grabs a fistful of my hair and tugs my head back, his other hand rapidly working his cock, which is poised right at my mouth. I’m hit with the sensation of whiplash, which, surprisingly enough, actually isn’t an unfamiliar feeling when it comes to sex with Wes; and it’s that sense of familiarity that helps to ease some of the internal tension that’s been building throughout this whole strange, intense encounter.

I try to reach his cock with my mouth, but his grip in my hair is too tight, so I settle for eager anticipation of the coming load. My hands roam his body, a couple of fingers slipping into his crease and teasing the edge of his hole.

“Fuck,” Wes groans. It’s the only warning I get before he reaches his climax and hot cum is spurting partly into my waiting mouth but mostly over my chin and neck.

“You have terrible aim,” I say wryly, running my fingers through the mess and then slipping them into my mouth.

“You’re making the assumption that I was actually aiming for your mouth,” Wes counters.

I let out a soft chuckle and drag him down for a kiss, ensuring his face ends up just as messy as mine.

“Wait there for a second,” he tells me, before rolling off the bed and striding out of the room.

Before I have a chance to wonder what the hell’s going on, he’s returned with a washcloth and is making a beeline for the bed.

I hold my hand out, expecting him to pass over the washcloth, but he ignores me, instead cleaning the mess from my body himself.

Once he’s finished, Wes tosses the cloth into his laundry hamper and then climbs back into bed, pulling the covers up over both of us.

“Wes? What…?” I stutter out in confusion as Wes reaches behind him to switch off the bedside lamp. Isn’t this the part where I’m supposed to be leaving?

“Just shut up and go to sleep, Devon,” he grumbles, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me against him. “It’s late.”

Confusion gives way to exhaustion. It’s been a bloody long day and the last thing I want right now is to make the trek across London back to my place. Besides, this feels…nice.

“No one’s ever looked at me like that before,” I murmur.

“Like what?” The curiosity in his tone is evident; I can’t even begin to imagine how strange my behaviour must have seemed to him earlier.

I hesitate for a moment, trying to put my thoughts into words. “Like they’ve never wanted anything or anyone more than they wanted me in that moment.”
