Page 75 of P.S. I Loathe You

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“Okay, wow,” Emma says, looking somehow both relieved and freaked out. “Yeah. That’s what I wanted to tell you—I’m four months pregnant.”

Mum gets to her feet and wraps Emma in a tight hug. “Oh, darling I’m so happy for you.”

“Wonderful news!” Dad says, raising his glass in the air.

I exchange a look with Emma. They’re taking this way better than we expected.

“So, what’s the plan now?” Dad presses. “Are you moving back here? Is Devon moving to Paris?”

“Why would Devon be moving to Paris?” Emma asks, her brow furrowed. But she’s clearly still a little dazed from the unexpected reaction because I know exactly why Dad’s asking that question.

“Well, we just assumed you two would be back together…” Mum says, casting a meaningful look at Emma’s stomach.

“Oh, god. No!” Emma cries, hugging her stomach. “Devon’s not the father.”

Mum’s face falls. “Oh. So, the wedding’s not back on then?”

“Definitely not!”I growl.

“Oh, honestly, Wes,” Mum says, resuming her seat on the settee with a huff of frustration. “I don’t know what that boy ever did to deserve such an attitude, but I raised you to be better than that. Now, even if Emma and Devon aren’t together, the Montgomerys are still friends and I absolutelyinsistthat you be nice to Devon from now on.”

“Oh, Wes is being nice to Devon,” Emma says with a little snort. “Don’t worry about that. Actually, isn’t it time you shared your news, big brother?”

“Oh, that’s right—Wesley had news too.” Mum offers me a fond smile. “What is it, darling?”

“Well…” I draw in a deep breath and prepare to drop the bomb. “I’m seeing someone. Romantically.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Mum exclaims, before turning to my dad. “Isn’t that wonderful, Steven?”

Dad nods, lifting his wine glass in a salute. “It’s wonderful.”

“So, who’s the lucky man?” Mum asks eagerly. “When can we meet him?”

I exchange another look with Emma, who seems incredibly relieved that I’m now the one in the firing line. “Well, as it happens, you’ve already met him. It’s Devon Montgomery.”

Both Mum and Dad just sit there staring at me for a long time, the only things moving are their eyes as they blink almost in sync with each other. It’s actually pretty creepy.

Finally, Mum manages to talk. “Devon…Montgomery?” She stares at me for a long time, before her eyes move to Emma’s stomach, then to my dad, as though he can help clarify the situation.

“Mum, I literally just told you—Devon’s not the baby’s father!” Emma cries. “We haven’t slept together since April. Devon and Wes on the other hand have been at it like bunnies for months…or so I hear.”

“Oh, I didn’t really need to know that Emma,” Mum says, taking a rather large gulp of her wine.

“Apparently you did,” I say dryly.

“God, I would give anything to be able to drink right now,” Emma groans.
