Page 81 of P.S. I Loathe You

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“Morning,” Wes mumbles, smiling down at me. “Happy Christmas.”

I return the smile and duck my head so I can brush a kiss to his chest. “Happy Christmas.”

“Can I give my present first this time?”

I glance up at him, one eyebrow raised. “Is it a blowjob?”

He lets out a soft chuckle. “Maybe later.”

I scramble away from him so he can ease himself up and reach over to the bedside table, where he retrieves something from the drawer.

It feels like deja vu when he turns back around and hands me a small white box, just like he did last year. I let out a soft breath of laughter, eyeing the closed box sceptically. “Wes, I really don’t think I can pick anywhere else for you to get a piercing.”

“Just open the fucking box,” he grumbles, gesturing impatiently.

I shrug and pry the lid open, my mouth going slack when I see what’s inside. “Is that a cock ring?” I ask; because that’s the only possible explanation my brain can come up with right now. On no planet in existence is the gleaming platinum object in my hand any other kind of ring. It’s not possible.

Wes lets out a soft little chuckle. “I like where your head’s at, but for once I need you to come out of the gutter.” He takes the box from my hand, prying the ring loose. Then he takes my left hand and slides it easily onto my third finger.

All I can do is stare, completely in awe of what’s happening. “There’s a ring on my finger.”

“You’re incredibly observant this morning,” Wes says dryly.

“Well, usually there’s a kind of preamble involving a question of some kind…”

He shrugs. “I knew you’d be saying yes anyway, so why bother dragging it out?”

“Have I told you lately how romantic you are?” I deadpan. “And what do you mean you knew I’d say yes? You’re not a mind-reader.”

He sends me a sceptical look. “So, are you telling me no then?”

Part of me actually wants to say no just to wipe the smug smirk off his face, but of course I’m not going to do that; this might not be the most romantic proposal of all time, but I don’t need it to be. That’s just Wes. He’s not the type to lay it on thick with over-the-top romantic gestures, but he always manages to show me he cares in more subtle ways.

After drawing my answer out for a long moment, I finally decide to give in. “Okay, fine. I suppose I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with you driving me absolutely insane.”

His face splits into a broad grin and he leans forward to brush his lips to mine in a soft, sweet kiss that quickly turns heated.

“I do have one condition, though,” I say, breaking the kiss before we can get too carried away.

Wes’s eyes narrow in suspicion. “You’d better not be trying to insert some mad clause about our kids going for Chelsea, because I’ll take back the ring right now if that’s the case.”

I tug my hand away, curling my fingers tightly to protect the ring. “Okay, okay. I promise. How about a compromise, though?” I suggest. “We letthemdecide.”

Wes considers it for a long moment, before finally nodding. “Fine. But if we end up with a bunch of Arsenal supporters I’m never going to let you forget this moment.”

“That’s fair,” I agree with a soft chuckle.

He pulls me toward him and we both go tumbling down onto the mattress, with me on top. It’s been over a year and I’m still just as addicted to him as I was after that first encounter in my hallway. Every kiss, every touch, every moment we have together—it’s electric.

And I can think of no better way to spend the rest of my life.

The End
