Page 17 of Wolf Desired

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I woke with a start, my gaze darting over the moonlit glade, searching for what had woken me.

The Sisters were near full, their soft ever-so-slightly pink illumination bathing the long grass and wildflowers and, on the far side of the open space, lay a huddled form whose power felt like Knox’s. No one else was around and there was nothing to indicate why I was suddenly awake.

Inside the cabin, Audrey whimpered and moaned, the sound hoarse and strained. She cried out with a strangled sob then almost immediately went back to whimpering, her orgasm giving her no reprieve just like she’d been all afternoon.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to will myself to go back to sleep. If we were heading out in the morning, I needed as much rest as possible.

I wasn’t sure how I’d managed to fall asleep on the porch swing the first time with the sounds of the exhausted sex marathon going on or Audrey’s scent taunting me every time the wind shifted, but I had, and I needed to figure it out again. It was the only thing I could do.

Fuck. Cyrus!Bishop gasped in my head, his mental voice filled with panic.

I jerked upright, my heart racing.What’s wrong?

Get the sedative.

Audrey’s whimpering grew louder and her moans more pained than pleasured.

Get the sedative now. Please, Cyrus.He groaned and mental whispers of soft, soothing words ghosted through me as he tried to soothe Audrey without breaking our connection.I can’t bring her fever down. I’ve tried cooling her in the tub. Even put in ice. Nothing is working. She isn’t even giving me time to recover.And I knew without him saying anything that he’d made her come as many times as he could before losing control and coming himself.

I scrambled off the swing as quietly as I could. I didn’t want to alert Knox that anything was wrong. His wolf would break his collar and he’d seal the bond without a second thought.

Which would solve our current problem,my wolf snarled at me, pissed that we weren’t doing everything in our power to help her.

It’s a last resort,I snarled back. If the sedative didn’t work then I’d talk to Knox and deal with the consequences — one of which could be Audrey hating me for forcing her to bond with a mate she didn’t want.

I hurried inside and grabbed the bottle of sedative and dropper from my pack, grateful I’d visited the town healer right after my conversation with Bishop.

Hurry,he gasped. “It’ll be okay. I promise,” he cooed, his voice half in my head and half out loud.

Please let him be right,I prayed and raced into the bedroom.

Audrey lay on her side, her arms wrapped around her stomach and her knees pulled up. Desperate, heartbreaking sobs wracked her body and tears streamed over her cheeks onto the pillow.

Bishop lay tucked up against her, stroking her hair and murmuring to her while his other hand was buried between her thighs.

She whimpered and rocked into him, but from the sheen of sweat on her skin and how fast she was panting between her gut-wrenching sobs, I knew the fever was too strong to be satisfied with just his fingers.

Her body tensed and shuddered with a release, but her sobs didn’t stop, and Bishop shot me a gutted look, his eyes begging me for help.

Get her on her back, head raised,I commanded and set the bottle of sedative on the dresser, as far away from the bed as possible without leaving the room. I didn’t want to risk her fighting me like she had every time we’d tried to feed her.

The sedative had been a gift for saving the villagers from the grimalkins — just like the use of the cabin — but I suspected it was worth a lot and I didn’t want to have to ask for more.

With a steadiness I didn’t feel, I unscrewed the bottle, dipped the dropper in the pungent, glowing green liquid, and sucked up the dose for a human female.

When I turned around, Bishop had her partially rolled over, her head in his lap. She was still curled in a ball, hugging herself as if her insides hurt — which they probably did — but at least her head was raised mostly facing up. Hopefully that would mean she’d swallow the sedative and not let it dribble out of her mouth.

I climbed onto the bed, realizing that even in my panic I was fully erect, my cock straining against the confines of my pants… and that Bishop wasn’t. Heat radiated from Audrey’s frail body like an oven and her eyes stared off into nothing.

“Please,” she sobbed. “Please. Why don’t you want me? Please. I need—” Her sobs turned to agonized wails and she writhed on Bishop’s lap.

I emptied the dropper into her mouth and Bishop followed the sedative with a sip of broth that thankfully encouraged her to swallow.

“Ida said it could take ten to fifteen minutes before it works and only if we’ve gotten the dose right.”
