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Holly smiled at her. ‘You could do better. Much better.’

Holly’s legstrembled as she drove into the customer car park at Lovelands, wondering why she felt numb when she thought of Tom. Surely she should feel enraged. He had destroyed everything. Burned all of her memorabilia, the history of her parents and her ancestors. She could see the charred buildings rising up over the big fence they had erected. But the feeling that he would make no further claim against her property rubbed her anger away. At least it was her wreck, and it would stay hers. Her mobile rang. It was Jill.

‘I have some amazing news.’

Holly did not intend to fill Jill in on what had happened.

‘I have had communication from Tom’s solicitor – he’s pulling out.’

‘That’s what I was hoping you would say.’

‘Have you been in contact with him?’

‘He told me he was dropping it. I think his conscience got the better of him.’

‘I will, of course, draw up papers for him to sign confirming he will not revisit this in the future. Do you want me to sue him for my fees?’

‘Hold fire on that. We’ll wait and see if he returns my money. If I get it back, I’ll settle your fees myself.’

Back at the caravan, Holly opened a bottle of wine and sat down, allowing herself to relax before Jaz turned up.

Later, Jaz listened whilst Holly filled her in on the events of the afternoon. She told Holly she was proud of her and what an absolute ballbreaker she was. Holly had laughed hysterically.Thank goodness for Jaz,she thought, as she felt her spirits rise.
