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‘I’ll just get out of this dress.’ Holly went off in the direction of the bedroom.

Picking up Holly’s trophy from where she had left it on the table, he could see that they had already etched her name onto it. She soon returned, wearing a T-shirt and shorts. He rubbed his face thinking how cute she looked and attempted to eliminate the X-rated thoughts going through his mind. He loosened his tie.

‘That’s better,’ Holly said. ‘I enjoyed dressing up but it was nice to get it off.’

‘I wish I could get my clothes off.’ Mitch noticed Holly blush. ‘Oh no, I didn’t mean right now.’

Holly laughed. ‘Do you want tea, coffee, Prosecco?’

‘Coffee will be best. I’ve been up since five.’

Holly soon handed him a steaming mug. ‘The Arts Council talk was interesting, wasn’t it? I’ve made a few artist contacts as well; they were eager to get involved with the hub. I’m thinking of printing some large-scale plans to display at the first farmers’ market. Is that okay?’

‘Of course, it is. It’s a great idea.’

‘I’ll send invitations to local artists and councillors. More customers for the market too. Maybe something positive will come from all this mess.’

‘You’d have got there anyway, Holly, I’m sure. But the fire, it’s brought it closer.’

‘I’m going to meet David Bunning next week. I had a chat with him about the hub when you were with er …’


‘Yes, Nina.’

‘I thought you knew her?’

‘Yes, I do. We went to the same college. She was in my textiles class. I think she originally wanted to be a clothes designer, but she went on to do a business degree at Bath.’

‘It’s good to have friends in high places.’

‘Yes, she’s very successful. A real catch.’

A real catch?Mitch repeated in his head.It sounded as if Holly was suggesting he went out with Nina. ‘Hopefully you’ll get support from both councillors then.’

‘I mentioned the idea of a gallery few times to Nina, at breakfast business meetings I used to attend with Tom.’

Mitch noticed Holly’s voice change at the mention of Tom’s name. ‘Have you heard any more from him?’

Mitch listened as she told him about the latest letter Tom’s solicitor had sent.What a total waste of space,he thought, wishing that the guy would self-combust. ‘Sounds like your solicitor has got it covered. I’m sure it’ll be fine. But you can do without this stress, eh?’

Holly nodded.

‘At least you have Ethan.’Why did I say that?Mitch rubbed the back of his neck. Would Holly think he was fishing for details of her relationship? Mitch watched Holly nod her head slowly a few times – she was clearly going mushy at the very thought of this Ethan. This was the best time for him to make an exit. ‘Right. I’d best be off then. Early start tomorrow. I’m going off to see a pig farmer in the morning to discuss the market. Once I secure firm commitments, we’ll have to get together and plan it out.’

‘Yes, of course.’ Holly beamed. ‘Thanks, Mitch, for your hard work.’ She reached over and brushed her lips across his cheek.

He stiffened, battling the urge to grab her for a long lingering kiss, and stepped back. ‘See you.’ He turned and left.

See you? How lame,Mitch thoughtas hemarched back to the farm. Forgetting to take the long way round, his shoes, slipped here and there, on the wet grass. He knew for sure he wanted to be more than Holly’s business associate. More than her friend. More than her neighbour. He wanted her – full stop.
