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‘Are you sure you’re not making too much of this, hun?’

‘I’ve already explained.’

‘I know – your family’s reputation and what have you. But you’ve got Tom on your back, a business to rebuild, a market to prepare for and a fair. With so much going on, do you think this is maybe becoming a bit of a fixation?’

‘You think I’m going mad or something?’

‘Maybe you’re focusing on this because you can’t face the here and now.’

Holly took a deep breath.The Loveland-Booth feud had always been there, as if it were tangible.

Trixy barked.

‘You haven’t still got his dog, have you?’

‘Yes, she followed me up and I’m just so used to having her, I didn’t twig until I got back. I’ve had to text another apology.’

* * *

It wasthe day of Sidney’s funeral, Holly sat in the caravan staring at her watch, the wake was not for another hour, she decided to pop over and see Val afterwards, to ask her for a warts and all accounts of Sidney and Ivy’s relationship. Val always had a sensible and calming influence on her and Jaz’s comments had touched a nerve. If she was making a fuss about nothing, Val would be the one to bring her back down to earth. And Val would know the truth, she had been Granny Ivy’s best friend.

It was twelve fifteen. Holly opened the caravan door and descended the metal steps. She wore a black dress of Jaz’s and a black jacket. The dress was a little shorter than she would have liked because Holly was a lot taller than Jaz. But she could not buy too many new clothes as she had limited storage space in the caravan. The church steeple was in sight. On the spur of the moment, she decided to watch the burial from the back field. She could keep her distance,andgive the family their respect.They won’t know I’m there, she thought and planned to double back to the farm for the wake.

Holly walked along the village road and then up a path to an area of waste land behind the church. There was a break in the hedge which Trixy was forever squeezing through; Holly had to followed her in there on a number of occasions. Thinking of Trixy she heard her yaps carried on the wind. Joe was minding her today.

Close enough to the cemetery, Holly heard the murmurs of the reverend and moved closer.Hmm, Sid’s being buried quite close to my family area, by the looks of it,she thought as she observed the small gathering. There was Mitch, a tall woman with dark hair she presumed was his sister, holding hands with a guy who she guessed was her fiancé. A couple in their fifties who she realised must be Mitch’s parents. Finally, there was blonde Magda – dabbing her eyes with a tissue. As the party began to disperse Holly checked her phone for the time. She would have to be quick or else they would spot her.They moved faster than Holly expected and she missed her opportunity to escape unnoticed. She leaned back into the bushes as the family stepped onto the road. Then darted in the opposite direction, taking the full perimeter of the church, waiting for everyone to leave. Putting her head down, she smoothed her clothes, her heart beating as fast as it did as a child when she and Jaz used to steal plums from the trees in the old reverend’s garden.

Walking into the churchyard, she stopped still and steadied herself, holding onto a tree. The freshly dug grave was slap bang next to her Granny’s – so close it could be considered a joint plot.

‘What on earth?’

‘Holly.’ She heard the reverend’s voice behind her.

‘Why?’ she said, pointing to the grave. ‘Why has he been buried on the path next to my grandmother?’

‘It’s not a path – it’s been reserved since before my time. For Mr Booth.’

‘But my grandad could have been buried there.’

‘Maybe you should discuss it with the family?’

‘This is madness – they’ve hijacked my family plot.’ Holly felt her voice crack into a sob.

‘Maybe you’d like to come inside?’ He pointed to the church door.

Holly shook her head and ran out of the churchyard. ‘No wonder they didn’t want me at the funeral.’

She ran as fast as she could towards Val’s, tears streaming down her face. Mad at the Booths for stealing her family’s space.
