Page 2 of Mountain Maid

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“Oh.” I blow out a disappointed breath. Nothing to do with him being insanely attracted to me, then. “At least I didn’t break your tallywhacker.”

He raises an eyebrow. “My what now?”

“Your tallywhacker. Your dingwallace. Gigglestick.” He’s staring at me like I’m crazy. Okay, he’s not so far off the mark, but… “Your co—"

“Okay, okay, I get it,” he says, holding up a hand to stall me, a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. His full, lush, kissable mouth.

A sudden, stark image pops into my head of him kissing me all over my naked body with that sinful mouth while he thrusts…

“Huh?” I mumble, realizing he’s asked me a question. Focus, Elli.

“Do you work here?” he repeats slowly.

“Oh, um, yeah. I’m a domestic. A cleaner. You know, a maid. Like a mountain maid, I guess.” I grin, waving my arm to indicate the mountains surrounding us.

“What’s your name,” he asks, taking a step closer.

“Elli. Dancer. Elli Dancer.”

His brown eyes spark with humor. “Do you always use three words when one would suffice?”

“Ugh! I’m sorry. It’s my brain. I have trouble concentrating and tend to act impulsively but… wait a minute. You’re not going to report me, are you? Is that why you asked for my name? I truly am sorry I kicked you in the plums but I swear it was an accident. Footloose came on my playlist and I couldn’t help myself and had to dance but please don’t report me because I need this job to pay my rent. Plus, it keeps me fit. Who needs the gym when I can hone every muscle in my body with daily scrubbing, mopping, and hefting a forty-pound cleaning cart between my fifteen allocated cabins?” I flex a bicep to prove my point. “Yeah, they don’t call me ‘The Bionic Woman’ for nothing. Okay, no one calls me that but wouldn’t it be cool to be part cyborg? To have bionic legs and arms and hearing? I could crush metal in my bare hands and run at sixty miles per hour and hear a pin drop in the next state. I’m not sure how useful the last one would be but it’s a skill and I’d still include it on my resume. Plus, I’d have these cabins sparkling in no time, and, oh, God, I’m doing it again, aren’t I? I’m sorry, I—” I close my eyes and clamp my mouth shut, balling my hands into fists at my sides and forcing myself to take a deep breath.

When I open my eyes again, Mr. Melty-Eyes is standing there, giving me a look I can’t decipher, and my nerves kick in again. “So, where are you from? Did you have a good journey? Are you here on vacation, or is this a work thing?” I pause, taking another breath, and drop my gaze to the floor. “Sorry. I know I can be a bit much.”

I startle as a hand tilts my chin up so I’m looking into those beautiful brown eyes. When did he move?

Note to self: add stealthy ninja to his ever-growing list of attributes.

“Don’t ever apologize for being who you are, Elli Dancer,” he says, his deep baritone swishing across my skin and causing goosebumps to chase up my arms and across my chest. “Your name suits you. Don’t be scared to dance your way through life.” His mouth twitches. “But be careful where you aim those kicks.”

My eyes drop to his mouth as it tugs up in a lopsided smile. Spicy meatballs, I’m in trouble. My body is heating in ways and places that will require a change of underwear when I get home.

Every nerve-ending tingles as I lose myself in his intense gaze. Before I can think better of it, I step forward, yank his head down to mine, and kiss his face off…

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