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Chapter Nine


“I need to feed you, again, sweet thing,” Dray murmurs a few hours later, sifting his fingers through my hair as I lie on his chest.

“In a minute,” I mumble, drowning in contentment and unwilling to move.

He grunts, and my core clenches. I’ve already grown to love that sound. In fact, I think I’ve already grown to love him.

It’s too soon! My mind whispers.

Take a seat, know-it-all, My heart replies smugly.

“Those things you said to me while we were… you know,” I say, blushing wildly. “No one’s ever said such sweet things to me before. You said I was gorgeous, that you’ve been waiting for me.”

“You’re more than gorgeous. You’re beautiful inside and out, as I now have good reason to know,” he leers at me, digging his fingers into my ribs and making me squeal with laughter.

He moves, and his hard cock rubs against my clit. I wiggle above him. “I loved being connected to you like that. Thank you for making it so special. I've never felt that close to anyone in my whole life.”

“My God, woman, you’re killing me,” Drayton growls, claiming my mouth in a searing kiss. “Come take a shower with me,” he mumbles against my lips.

He gets up from the bed, tugging me with him into the adjoining bathroom. Turning on the shower, he guides me into the cubicle and under the spray. One of his arms stays locked around my waist as he reaches for a bottle of body wash. He squeezes a little into a loofah, and the fresh smell of tea-tree and eucalyptus hits my nostrils. It’s a smell that reminds me of him.

He starts to rub the loofah all over me, and I let my eyes fall closed, enjoying having someone take care of me for the first time in my life. He starts with my shoulders, working his way down, and I moan as he brushes the loofah across my nipples.

Next thing I know, Dray’s hands are in my hair, and I sigh in bliss as he massages shampoo into my scalp. He rinses it out and repeats the process with the conditioner. All too soon, he’s turning the water off, and I finally open my eyes as he wraps a towel around me before leading me back through to the bedroom.

His actions make me feel cosseted and cherished—unfamiliar feelings that have a lump rising in my throat and tears pricking the back of my eyes.

Dear God, this man is wrecking me in a totally amazing way. Feeding me, washing me, making love to me, and giving me amazing orgasms. I’m pretty sure I’ve died and gone to heaven. Everything about him appeals to me. He’s all man, built like a wrestler with the heart of a lion. His scars are badges of honor and only make him even sexier in my eyes.

“You need to stop looking at me like that, sweet thing,” he says as he dries himself with a towel.

“Can’t help it. You’re so pretty,” I grin up at him as he moves towards me.

He chuckles, that deep, rich sound that makes my stomach flutter. “Never been called pretty before.”

“Better get used to it, cupcake,” I reply, giving him a saucy wink.

I can’t hide my disappointment when he grabs his t-shirt and sweatpants, pulling them on and hiding his magnificent body from me. A body I now know intimately. Picking up the t-shirt he gave me earlier, he slides it over my head, covering me from throat to mid-thigh.

“Come on,” he says, linking his fingers with mine and tugging me from the room.

I follow him to the kitchen, giggling as he lifts me onto the breakfast bar and places a kiss on the end of my nose. I kind of love the way he moves me around like I weigh nothing.

“How about chicken Caesar salad?” he asks, shooting me a smile as he starts pulling stuff out of the refrigerator.

“Sounds good,” I reply, my eyes eating him up as he moves around the kitchen. God, he’s so handsome. Somehow—and I’m still not sure why—he’s chosen me when he could have his pick of any number of women.

He sees me looking at him and stalks towards me. I open my legs so he can slide between them. His hands clasp my face, and his thumbs caress my jaw, tilting my head back so that I’m looking into his intense blue eyes.

“You like to cook, baby?”

I shrug. “I love to cook, but it’s tough when you don’t have the money for fresh ingredients. Plus, getting Mom to eat anything was next to impossible.”

His jaw clenches. “Make a list. I’ll get whatever you need.”

He’s talking like I’m not leaving here. Like I’m staying for longer than the few days it’ll take for the snowdrifts to clear. He said such beautiful things to me when we made love earlier, but I know that men can say many things in the heat of passion. Something tells me that Dray isn’t one of them, that he’s the kind of man who means everything he says.
