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Shelby reaches for my hand, squeezing it. “It doesn’t sound silly at all. You deserve special and meaningful. I’m not sure I would’ve turned out as sane as you if I’d been in your position. You never knew your real dad, and you had to watch your mom go from one abusive relationship to another. But you haven’t let it jade you or crush that big heart of yours.”

“Thanks, Shel,” I reply huskily, summoning a smile.

“Haven’t you been tempted, though? With Jeremy, I mean? It's impossible to put the brakes on whenever things get hot and heavy between Anthony and me. All I can think about is ripping his clothes off and riding him like a—"

“Okay, okay, I get it!” I laugh, holding a hand up to stop her.

“Sorry. Got a bit carried away,” she grins at me. “Do you know what I mean, though?

I frown, thinking about it. I’m not sure I do. “I—It feels nice when we kiss—"

“Nice?” she scoffs. “It shouldn’t feel nice. It should feel mind-blowing. Like, you’ll die if you don’t have him inside you, fucking you until you can’t walk straight.”

My cheeks warm at Shelby’s bluntness. “I guess,” I mumble, not knowing what else to say.

“Why are you waiting for Jeremy to make it special?” she asks, on a roll now as she dissects my love life. “You know what you want better than anyone, so make it happen. Talk to him, tell him your fantasies, what you want your first time together to look like. He’s not a mind reader, and, let’s face it, some men need a little help in the romance department.”

I fall quiet, pondering her words. “You’re right. I’ll call him tomorrow and—"

“Why wait ‘til tomorrow? You need to strike while the iron is hot. Don’t put off ‘til tomorrow what you can do today. Get yourself to his place tonight and tell him what you want and exactly how you want it!” she instructs.

“Can I finish my beer first?” I laugh.

“Sure,” she grins. “Besides, I need to tell you all about the engagement party I’ve got planned…”

An hour later, I’m hugging Shelby goodbye and heading for the exit. I’m so busy rooting around in my purse for my car keys that I don’t see the man who steps out in front of me and stumble straight into him. Next thing I know, I’m being swept up in strong arms and pulled tight to a warm, hard body. My eyes snap to his face, and everything slows down.

He’s pure, masculine perfection, from his strong jaw and dirty-blond hair to his high cheekbones and full mouth. Warm, mocha eyes hold mine with an intensity that sends heat spiraling through my body.

“I’m sorry. Didn’t see you,” the man apologizes, his deep voice sending shivers over my sensitized skin.

“No problem. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” I reply breathlessly. I force myself to move away from him, feeling oddly empty without his arms around me. “Excuse me, I-I need to go.”

Heading for the exit on wobbly legs, I make my way to my car and climb behind the wheel. The whole encounter only lasted a matter of seconds, but it felt like a lifetime as his warm arms enfolded me, encapsulating us in our own private little bubble.

I give myself a mental shake, forcing my thoughts away from the intoxicating stranger and back to the matter at hand. I put the car into gear and head for Jeremy’s.

Twenty minutes later, I’m turning onto his street. I frown as I see an unfamiliar car parked next to his Coupe outside his apartment. I park up by the curb and cut the engine. He didn’t mention he had anyone coming round tonight.

I let myself into his apartment using the key he gave me, surprised to find the whole place in darkness. If it weren’t for the cars outside, you’d think no one was home.

I’m just about to call Jeremy’s name when a soft moan reaches me from the direction of his bedroom. I creep towards the door and silently push it open. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dimness, but when they do, my brain screeches to a halt.

A naked blonde I don’t recognize is straddling Jeremy, moaning as she bounces up and down on his cock. They’re so absorbed in each other, they don’t even see me standing in the doorway of the darkened room.

I’ll soon take care of that.

“Hi, Jeremy. Having fun?” I ask loudly.

The woman lets out a shriek and grabs at the covers to hide. Jeremy curses as he sees me standing in the open doorway, his face a mask of shock and guilt. I shake my head in disgust and turn on my heel, heading for the front door.

“Poppy! Wait!”

His yell follows me out the door, but I keep going. I don’t want to see his face. I don’t want to talk to him. I never want to see his lying, cheating ass again!

I bite back tears as I climb back into my car. I smack the steering wheel angrily, cursing Jeremy, myself, and the blonde woman, whoever the fuck she is.

Glancing out the window, I see Jeremy tearing out the front door and heading towards my car. He’s pulled on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt, his dark hair ruffled and sticking up in all directions.
