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Six Months Later

The Lockhart Club is well and truly in the black. Business has increased every week from the Open House event, and Jensen was able to settle all the debts and give his employees a pay rise. More importantly, he hired a bookkeeper to keep track of the club’s finances—a very wise decision, in my opinion.

The biggest change, though, was promoting Rosie to general manager. It soon became apparent that her skills weren’t being utilized properly, particularly her degree in Hospitality Management. She’s taken to the position like the proverbial duck to water, taking some of the pressure off Jensen and freeing up his time.

As for me? Harry was true to his word and gave me a permanent position as a consultant. So far, I’ve helped four businesses turn their finances around, including The Lockhart Club.

I finish up the spreadsheet I’ve been working on at the office and shut down the computer, finished for the day. I’m just pulling on my jacket when my phone dings with a message.

Missing you. Hurry home so I can eat you before dinner. J x

I blush at the text. He’s always sending me dirty messages like this. And I love it. Almost as much as I love him. What’s not to love about a man whose sole focus seems to be giving me multiple orgasms. The fact that he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever known and makes the best tacos in town is just the glaze on the donut. And did I mention the amazing orgasms?

Soft music is playing as I step off the elevator into the penthouse apartment—my favorite song, ‘Make You Feel My Love’ by Adele. We’ve spent the last few months turning the apartment into our own little love nest. Our belongings are all mixed up together now in a quirky mix of modern and traditional, which somehow suits us perfectly.

Jensen is waiting in the living area, a big grin on his face. He walks towards me, and we meet in the middle.

“What are you up to?” I ask suspiciously, smiling as he wraps his arms around me.

He answers me with a kiss, teasing my mouth with his. “You know how much you mean to me, right? How much I love you.”

I nod, cupping his face in my hands. “How could I not? You tell me all the time.”

“You’re the most important person in my life, Poppy. I want to make sure you know that because I don’t think anyone’s ever made you their priority before,” he says, his warm, chocolate eyes conveying so much emotion it brings a lump to my throat. “But you’re my priority. Always will be, no matter what else is going on in our lives.”

“Oh, God, you and your words!” I laugh cry, cherishing his face with my eyes.

He gives me a lopsided grin. “Only for you, baby.”

I open my mouth to reply when he pulls a velvet box from the pocket of his pants. My eyes widen with shock, and my mouth drops open as he goes down on one knee.

“Poppy Parsons, will you do me the honor of becoming Poppy Lockhart? Will you marry me?”

My hand flies to my mouth as I stare at the exquisite diamond he reveals as he opens the box. Tears spill down my cheeks, and I can barely breathe for the happiness consuming me.

I fall to my knees in front of him. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”

My hand shakes as he slides the ring on my finger, and then he’s kissing me as if I’m his oxygen and he needs me to survive. He stands and pulls me to my feet, scooping me up and carrying me through to the bedroom while his mouth licks and bites at mine.

“Jensen!” I moan, immediately on fire for him.

He places me back on my feet next to the bed and strips off my clothes, running his hands all over me. In seconds, I’m naked, my pussy already slick with my juices. It’s always like this with Jensen. Sexually, we’re like two combustible materials, igniting each other in the best possible way.

“Lie on the bed,” he instructs, and my stomach does a little flip at his commanding tone.

I do as he asks, my body open to him as I settle my weight on the mattress. He strips off his clothes, his gaze fixed on my soaked pussy as he bares himself to me. His body is a work of art, all hard lines, and firm muscles, his abs defined, his thighs strong.

He wraps a hand around his hard cock, giving it a few pumps. I moan, sliding a finger between my wet folds to tease my clit. There’s something so sinfully delicious about having him watch me and being able to watch him. Pre-cum oozes from the slit of his cock, and I lick my lips.

“You want this in your mouth?” he asks, moving towards me.

“Yes. Please, Jensen. I want to taste you.”

He crawls up on the bed with me, straddling my face. Still holding his cock in his hand, he presses the head against my mouth and smears his pre-cum over my lips. My tongue darts out, dipping into the slit at the end and tasting his salty essence.
