Page 139 of Reborn a Queen

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“Are you sure about this, Lacey?” Yuri said as he put his large, muscular arm around my shoulders. Pulling me to him, I laid my head on his chest. “You may never get over it.”

“I need to Yuri, I need to see them.”

“I’ll go in first. We don’t know what condition they’ll be in from the car crash,” Clay said.

I nodded and we made our way to Clay's car and followed the police car.

The journey to the coroner’s office didn’t take too long, although to get to the other side of the town, it was over an hour’s drive. I expected it was because I was in a world that resembled my own, but really I’d taken myself somewhere else.

Somewhere where my parents were playing board games on Christmas Day or seeing them smile as I finished my audition for my first ballet performance. It was at that moment I realised I was always with them, no matter what—until now.

The car door opened. Clay held his hand to help me out. After that, everything was a whirr as I waited on the other side of a large grey metal door for the threshold to swing open and for me to see my mum and dad one last time.

Clay wrapped one arm around my shoulder and held my hand with the other as we walked toward the two bodies that were draped with white sheets.

I slammed my hand over my mouth, seeing my mum and dad as they laid on the steel cold slabs, a white sheet pulled back to only show their faces. I slowly took my hand away from my face and really looked. My body shook seeing them, so tranquil, unruffled, like two perfect mannequins made to look perfect. With silky skin when I expected them to look grey and dead, instead they looked like they were sleeping peacefully.

I couldn’t stop staring as my eyes flitted from my mum to my dad and back again. I further lowered the sheet from my mother and looked at her. She was still clothed, not long from being delivered here. I ran my hand over her perfect silk blouse, straightening it a little more. Putting my hand on her neck and stared at her face. Placing my thumb on her eyelid, I lifted it a little and gazed into her eye. I leaned into her ear. “I love you,” I said.

Tears made my eyes hazy.

I blinked them back and turned to my father. Folding the sheet back that Clay had moved over his face and dropping my hand on his chest. I could feel my pulse, though it didn’t stop me from hoping it was his heart beating under my palm. I closed my eyes.

“There must be someone with the magic of time. Please Clay, you must know someone who can bring them back.” I was begging, sobbing, desperately hoping.

“It’s against the rules, Lacey,” Clay said.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. “Please Clay, it’s my parents.”


“Please,” I begged.

Clay’s eyes misted as I pleaded for him to help bring them back, but I knew he wouldn’t change his mind. “It’s too late,” he said. “It’s time for you to leave.”

I walked to my mother, leaned my mouth against her cheek, and kissed her.

“Come on, let’s go. You’re in shock. I need to get you home,” Clay said.

I twisted to my dad. I blinked. Twice. What did I see? Did I feel?

I gazed at his face and waited. I glanced at Clay, his chin tilted low as he stared at me.

I put my hand on my father’s chest and lowered my lips to his cheek and held them on his face. Moving my mouth to his ear, I whispered, “I don’t know why, but I'm going to believe you have a good reason... I love you.”

Not quite the end…
