Page 74 of Reborn a Queen

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“There is something else, although there are many groups of Knights,” Ryan began. I slapped my hand over my mouth as I tried to stifle a yawn. I really needed a rest. “The kingdom will expect you to become close with at least one set of knights,” he finished.

“At least?” I asked. Ryan nodded.

“Is that why you are trying to get me to live here?”

“I’m going to be honest, Lacey,” Ryan said. “We were supposed to get you back with Carter and for you to bind with him only.” I stared intently at Ryan, waiting for him to finish. “Then you would be Carter’s, and we would remain your Knights,” Ryan said. “But it’s not what we want any longer, and that’s what we spoke to you about on Sunday morning. We become yours and you ours.”

“Hey, hey. Stop. It’s still what I want,” Carter said. “It’s not what these want.”

“But now you’re saying I need to move in to be protected as you are all, in fact, my Knights,” I said, ignoring Carter. “Knights with benefits. Is that what you are saying?” I snorted, slapping my hand over my mouth.

“Or just me,” Carter rushed.

“Or all of us,” Ryan argued.

“The kingdom chose me,” Carter hissed at Ryan and raised his hand in the air.

“Chosen to bond with me?” I asked, but it was a half-hearted question. “Is that what I think it is? Do we share blood or something?” I grimaced.

I hate the sight of blood.I shivered.

“It’s like marriage,” Carter said.

“No, it isn’t,” Ryan argued again.

“Good, because I’m not getting married,” I hissed and dipped my head in my hands. My life got more and more weird each day. Raising my head again, I glanced around at each of the men in front of me and smiled. “It’s all of you or none of you,” I said, chewing my lip as I thought of involving Carter. But a quick chat with Clay would tell me if he was lying or not and if he was, I'd finish us for good.

Seb grinned and stood behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders and rubbing his thumbs over the space between my shoulder blades. I tipped my head back and smiled at him for helping me forget about tonight. He placed a kiss on my forehead. “Thank you,” he whispered. I smiled and placed the mug between my thighs as I stared at my hands, turning them over and running my finger over the palm. “Does it hurt? Does it have to happen?”

“Does what hurt?” Ryan asked.

“Binding,” I asked, because I was going to bind with each of them.

“Don’t think about it, Lacey.” Kane took the coffee mug away from me. But I couldn’t help it because I’d practised something with my parents when I was younger. I now assumed that was this binding they talked of. My father drew a line on his palm and then mine and we joined hands together. He said it would only feel like a sting and I knew then it wouldn’t be a pen the day it really happened.

Oh, my god. My stomach retched at the thought of doing it four times. I couldn’t do it four times. No, I’d have to tell Clay I wanted to bind with them all at the same time. “I feel nauseous. I think I should go to bed and sleep this off,” I whispered.

“Do you want a massage? I can take you to bed and do it properly.” Seb grinned, and I smiled. Tipping my head forward at hearing a growl ahead, trying to work out who had made the sound. I narrowed my eyes at Carter and Kane. I knew it wasn’t Ryan.

Seb’s hand tipped my chin back so my head laid against the headrest again. “Close your eyes and relax,” he said.

I sighed at the pressing of his hands on my shoulders. “What you’re doing is lovely,” I said, my eyelids dropped. “Don’t stop.”

I closed my eyes, listening to them as they chatted in the distance. Then thought about what I’d agreed to do.

Chapter 28


AsIlaythere,thoughts of binding and the pain I’d feel once I had the cut to my hand evaporated as reality kicked in on what I’d just agreed to do.

To share myself among four freaking men… four cocks… oh my god, how did I choose who to lose my V Card to? Should I pick Seb? We had the best chemistry or Ryan but then he didn’t want to have sex with me, he only wanted to kiss. Carter, no, he had his chance that night and blew it and until they restored my genuine memory; I was going to keep everything between us cordial. Kane, now he was sexy as fuck and his body was something to behold but…

I yawned.

Should I fight this sleep, after today, would the Dark King finally show himself to me? Did I want to see him? That wouldn’t be such a bad thing—I needed to know who I had to kill.

I yawned again.

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