Page 33 of For Your Love

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“We’re here,” Finn said, unbuckling his seat belt and getting out of the car.

Colleen stepped out and looked around. “It’s beautiful.”

“This is Washington Square Park.”

Colleen was impressed by the size of the arch and how dramatic it was lit up at night. They continued walking until they stopped at an ice cream shop.

“It’s not Scoops,” he said, “but Cora’s Creamery is damn good.”

“I remember now.” He didn’t forget how much she loved going to Scoops for ice cream. “You owe me an ice cream cone.”

With a small tilt of his head, he asked, “Do you want ice cream, or do you want to talk?”

Her heart hammered in her chest as he held eye contact with her. This was another reference to that night, only this time they were going to take things slower. “Hmm, I’m in the mood for ice cream, and then talking.”

“Me too.” He held the door open for her.

Colleen stepped inside and asked Finn, “Do you remember my favorite flavor?”

Finn pulled off a numbered ticket. “Of course, I do. It’s cookie dough.”

“You’re right.” She was impressed that he paid attention to such a trivial detail. “And yours is anything chocolate.”


Colleen looked over the choices on the menu board. This wasn’t Scoops. Cora’s had the basics, but also some unconventional flavors like peanut butter curry and carrot mango sorbet. “I have an idea.”

“Okay,” Finn said, taking his attention from the menu.

“I’ll order for you, and you order for me. Let’s see how well we can predict what we like now.”

“I’m in,” he said with a nod.

Their number was called, and Colleen didn’t hesitate to place her order with the server. “I’d like a scoop of bittersweet chocolate on a sugar cone.”

Finn nodded. “Interesting choice.”

“What would you like?” the server asked Finn.

Finn looked over the menu board, glancing at Colleen a few times. “One scoop of salted caramel on a sugar cone.” Why did he choose caramel?

Colleen and Finn took their ice cream cones and headed back outside, finding an empty bench near the arch. It was getting late, but the square was still busy with couples strolling together.

She was about to take her first taste when Finn said, “Wait a minute. We have to explain why we made our choice before we try the ice cream. You go first.”

“All right. You still love chocolate,” Colleen said. “But you’re older now, your taste in things is more…sophisticated. Taste it.”

Finn took a large bite. “It’s fantastic,” he said around a mouthful. “It’s densely chocolate with a bite to it. He took a slow lick, his eyes firmly focused on hers.

Colleen’s mind planted itself squarely in the gutter because what he was doing with his tongue to that ice cream was more than a little distracting. She’d never forget how his tongue explored her mouth and now with a rush of pure lust, she wanted to know how his tongue would feel on other parts of her body.

“My turn,” he said with another bite of ice cream.

“Okay, tell me, because my ice cream is starting to melt.”

“You always dove into the cookie dough whenever your mom made cookies, so it’s no surprise your favorite ice cream is cookie dough. But that’s kid stuff. I think,” he paused, looking at her carefully, “you still feel safe with a vanilla flavor. Am I right?”

“Vanilla?” Was she that easy to read? She should be insulted, but he was right. Colleen was a good girl, but she was curious to try something different.
