Page 89 of For Your Love

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Colleen ended the call and noticed the time. “Shit.” She would have to hurry to meet Ana and Sean for lunch.

Colleen rushed inside Casa Maria’s, a homestyle restaurant in the East Village that Ana had suggested. It was tiny with only six tables inside. The wood lattice-covered windows reduced the harsh sunlight from outside.

“Hi, sorry I’m late. I lost track of time,” Colleen said, giving Ana and Sean a hug.

The waitress arrived and placed plates loaded with huge sandwiches and three iced teas.

“I hope you don’t mind, I went ahead and ordered for you. The Cuban sandwiches here are to die for.”

“Best in the city,” Sean said, taking a huge bite of his sandwich.

“Mmm. This is great,” Colleen said around a mouthful of succulent ham.

“So, have you moved in with Finn?” Ana asked, taking a quick look at Sean.

“Come on, Ana. Let’s not put her on the spot.” He took a gulp of iced tea and said, “Even though I wonder if you’re ever coming back to my place.”

Colleen gave him a playful nudge. “Very funny, little brother.”

Moving in. That was a big step and yet she wasn’t afraid of it. But she wanted to be able to stand on her own two feet financially before committing to stay in New York. “We’re just enjoying being together right now.”

“Sounds cozy,” Sean said with a nod.

“And romantic,” Ana added with a conspiratorial wink.

“I love him,” Colleen said quietly, taking a sip of iced tea and glancing at both of them, waiting for their reaction.

“I knew it,” Ana gushed, hopping up and down on her chair.

Sean grinned ear-to-ear. “Wow. I’m happy for you two.”

“It’s a little complicated right now. I’d love to stay in New York, but I need a job.”

“Any leads?” Ana asked, her eyes wide with hope.

“Not yet. But I have a few ideas that have potential.” Colleen turned to Sean, “So, what’s new with you?”

“Me? Nothing’s new, just working too hard.” He stopped just before taking another bite of his sandwich. “Hey, I do have some news.” Sean leaned forward on his elbows. “This is so weird. Ryan called and told me that Dan Pike—remember him?”

“Yeah. What about him?” She held her breath waiting for him to continue.

Sean lowered his voice. “Ryan said he found out that Pike’s been arrested for—get this—child sexual abuse. The San Bernardino police suspect he’s been at it for years.”

Bile rose in her throat. Dear God. She’d always assumed there must have been others, but how many? A rush of heat crawled up the back of her neck, making her a little dizzy.

“Coll? Are you okay?” Sean asked, his voice sounded like he was a million miles away.

She had to get out of here. The longer she stayed, the more they’d talk about Mr. Pike and she wasn’t sure she could keep her emotions under control. “Um…I’ve gotta go. Thanks for meeting me for lunch.”

“You’re really pale.” Ana offered Colleen a glass of water. “Here, drink some water.”

Colleen pushed it away. “I’m sorry you guys,” Colleen said, “but I have to leave.”

“Wait a minute.” Sean got to his feet. “Do you want me to come with you?” he asked with concern.

“No,” Colleen said, getting to her feet. “I have to be somewhere.” She rushed out of the restaurant.

As soon as she returned to Finn’s loft, she called Ryan. She stood in front of the window with an arm tucked around her waist while her brother explained the circumstances surrounding Mr. Pike’s arrest.
