Page 3 of A Stone's Chance

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The older woman was medium in build with a head full of illustrious gray curls pulled away from her face by a clip at the back of her head. Offering a warm smile, Mina said, “I already told Dean. Take your time swimming. The meal will keep.”

“That’s very kind of you, but I won’t be late.” I made haste back toward the pool, not missing that Stone’s office door was still closed.

After I passed through the small sitting room, I found Dean in the pool at the far end. The pool lights were on now, and it was clear but had an ocean floor appearance in the uneven shadows at the bottom. I pulled the cover over my head and let it fall on the stone floor at the pool's edge.

My friend still hadn’t turned to see me come in. Dean hung at the side of the pool, still looking at the window. I pressed my lips, trying to keep silent. I was planning to swim as quietly as possible and see if I could surprise him, hoping to jar him out of his musing. When I called my friend on his moodiness, he’d shake it off and become his usual cheerful self. I could imagine Dean and me in a race in the pool.

Sitting on the edge, I slipped into the five-foot shallow and went under the water. When I first set out, Dean was only a blurry, vague shape in the distance, and I had to come up once to fill my lungs with air, then dip below the surface again. The closer I got to him, I could easily make out the pale skin of his long legs and back from his white trunks. Swim shorts he probably borrowed from his brother’s stash because Dean had a fondness for long bright, colorful Bermuda type.

As soon as I was slightly more than an arm’s length away, I launched myself behind him and grabbed his shoulders. “Gotcha!”

Except it wasn’t Dean.

“Ah—” My shock caused me to forget myself as I shoved back. My body froze, and I started to sink, forgetting that I should be treading water in the eight feet depth. I sucked in a mouthful of chlorine-flavored liquid.

Strong hands seized my waist and drew me up and close. “Aubrey!”

The heat of Stone’s bare chest grazed mine, and the strength of his grip on my hips sent lightning bolts through my veins, heating my blood. My nipples drew taut, pressed against my suit even as I coughed and spat out water.

“Are you okay?” Concern danced through the rich timbre of his voice as he pressed us up against the side of the pool, the power of his kicks keeping us afloat.

I need to get away from him. His touch was doing things to me that would cause me to embarrass myself in a million different ways. I reached out. When my hand smacked against the pool’s edge, I gripped it and dragged myself away. “Ye-es,” I crocked. I coughed a couple more times to clear out more water.

Stone swam closer, holding onto the pool now too. He was close, but thankfully our bodies were no longer in contact. His gaze slid over my face as if he had searched for the truth of my words.

Under his inspection, I shoved my wet, riotous curls out of my face, then swiped at my nose, hoping the choking situation hadn’t caused snot to run like I was some pre-schooler. I was perplexed when his gaze moved from my face, over my neck, and to the water.

The pool was already warm, but feeling the odd heat of his gaze on me, it felt boiling. My heart was pounding. Before I could piece the puzzle together, he looked away, staring down the pool instead of at me. “What are you doing here?”

“Sorry. I thought you were Dean.”

He looked back at me, his brows bowed and his mesmerizing eyes locked on me with accusations. Stone probably thought I was lying. Stone and Dean didn’t look alike besides a few family traits. Not to mention, Stone had a least six inches on his younger brother. Where Dean was fit but lean, Stone was broad-shouldered and built, not quite body builder size, but still, thick muscles played beneath his suit. I refused to let my gaze drop to Stone’s form beneath the water. I was better not knowing what this man looked like, naked or relatively close to it. My erotic dreams were already bad enough. I would have to fight the urge tonight, in a bed, in Stone’s house, not to finger myself to the memories of his big hands on my body.

If my lust for this man got any worse, I’d never be able to meet him face to face.

“Dean’s not here,” he grumbled.

I know, and as soon as I find my friend, I’ll kill him.

Keeping the murderous thoughts to myself, I nervously licked my lips. I just wanted to get out of the pool and leave. “I can see this now, and I’ll leave you to your privacy.”

I pushed from the wall and kicked in the direction of the ladder. At the steps, I risk another glance, and Stone remained austere as he stared in my direction. With a slight nod and another weak apology, I climbed out. I could feel his heated gaze on my back as I trudged down the pool length to my coverup. Snatching it up, I put it back on and grabbed my shoes, leaving them off. Since I didn’t ask the location of the towels, my flip-flops would be slippery under my wet feet. Rushing from the indoor pool air, I paused in the sitting room to absorb the warmth. My lungs filled with Stone’s scent again, and I saw a crack in the wall and realized it was a sliding door that led into a room. I saw the foot of a bed in the small opening.

Hustling on, I shook my head. Great. Not only did Dean and I show up unannounced, but now I’ve completely encroached on Stone’s private sanctum.

Groaning, I left to change and find my best friend to strangle him.
